F.A.S Still Wasting Tax Payers Money-New Computers
F.A.S. The state training agency has upgraded it's computers at it's Finglas training facility. They have purchased brand new Desk Top computers for the courses they run to train people to build websites. At least one of it's class rooms have had 25 new computers installed. Strange thing is there was nothing wrong with the old computers which were only a couple of years old.
The older ones were running perfect and were serviced on a regular basis. The storage on the older one's was eighty five per cent of hard drive free. Nothing much gets stored on these computers. When each course runs it's term all files are deleted which then basically leaves the operation system.
This doesn't take up much space. The older one's were running very fast with no complants from students. This comes on the same week 100 Garda Stations closed down in a cost cutting excercise to please the I.M.F. Fas has been singled out in recent years for wasting tax payers money, it's appears they still have not learned how to control their finances. Now where have the old computers gone ?
If one of these class rooms got updated computers, well it's fair to say that every room got updates, there are at east 5 rooms for teaching in the Finglas operation with each room having over 20 computers and each costing over €500 each that's a lot of money that need now have been spent.
[31-1-2013] These computers are used for those doing the Web Design Classes At FAS