Harris Radio Sets Advertisement For Dublin In 1937
Adverts running in papers and magazines in the 1930's in Ireland.
This ad was running in Ireland in the 1930's . It was placed in Newspapers magazines and books. The text reads, For Perfect Home Entertainment Buy One Of These 1937 Radio Sets.
This 3 valve Philips Battery set has been specially designed to give the best possible service to battery set users. Names of stations etc, etc. £11-0-6 HP. terms available , deposit and twelve monthly payments of 18/11
Model 796A Is a 5 valve De Luxe All-Wave Superhet and represents the last word in radio. A special feature is a mono nob control, in other words the set is controlled by a single nob. Price £26-5-0 H.P. terms deposit and twelve monthly payments of £2-5-1.
This set Philips Model 456 A , Puts all wave radio within reach of all for the first time. It is a 4 valve Superhet and covers 90 pc of the short wave stations in addition to the usual long and medium stations. Price £16-16-0, H.P Terms 28/10 deposit and twelve monthly payments of 21-8-10.
R.B & H, Harris Ltd33 Grafton Street Dublin and 29 Henry St. Phone