Interesting Dates In Irish History From 1014
Battle of Clontarf 1014
Henry 11 landed at Waterford, October 1172
Dublin's first charter granted by Henry 1172
Trinity College foundation stone laid March 1591
opened January 1594
Annals of the four masters completed August 1636
Confederation of Kilkenny, May 1642
Battle of Benburb, June 1646
Massacre at Drugheda by Cromwell, September 1649
First Lord Mayor Of Dublin 1665
First Dublin newspaper, The Flying Post, established 1669
James 11 entered Dublin, March 1689
William 111 landed in Ireland June 1690
Battle Of The Boyne, July 1690
Battle Of Aughrim, July 1691
Battle Of Kinsale, December 1691
Treaty Of Limerick October 1691
Sarsfield died , July 1693
Wolfe Tone Born , July 1764, died 1798
Lord Edward Fitzgerald Died 1798
Edmond Burke born January 1728, died July 1797
Goldsmith born November, 1728, died April 1774
Irish House Of Parliament Opened October 1731
Irish House Of Commons burned, February 1792
Battle Of Fontenoy May 1745
Henry Grattan born , July 1746
Rotunda Rooms founded, July 1748.
J. Philpot Curran Born July 1750 died Oct. 1817
American Revolution , April 1775
Daniel O'Connell born April 1775 died May 1847
Thomas Moore born May 1776, died Feb. 1852
Irish Volunteers met in College Green November 1779
Irish Volunteers Convention, February 1782
Independence Of Irish Parliament declared April 1782
Father Mathew Born , October 1790 died 1856
Custom House Dublin opened November 1791
French arrive in Bantry Bay, December 1796
Battle Of Vinegar Hill, June 1798
Execution of Brothers Shears, July 1798
Last session of the Irish Parliament Opened January
Union carried by 43 votes, February 1800
Robert Emmett Executed , September 1803
Gerald Griffin born, December, 1803, died June 1840
Michael Balfe born, December 1808, died October 1870
Gladstone born December 1809, died May 1898
Foundation Stone of General Post Office lain 1815
Richard Brinsley Sheridan died July 1816
Thomas Davis died September 1845
Pro Cathedral, Marlborough Street, foundation Stone lain 1816 finished 1825
Catholic Emancipation passed March 1829
Royal Dublin Society founded June 1831
Cholera outbreak in Dublin March 1832
Dublin and Kingstown Railway opened December 1834
Penny Post established, January 1840
First meeting reformed Corporation Dublin October 1841
Income Tax first imposed, March 1842
Charles Stewart Parnell born June 1846, died Oct. 1891
Fredrick Lucas died October 1855
Richard Lawlor Shiel died May 1851
Royal Exchange opened as Dublin City Hall, September 1852
Dublin Industrial Exhibition opened September 1852
Dublin and Wicklow railway opened, July 1854
Thomas Steele died June 1848
James Clarence Mangan died June 1849
Irish Republican Brotherhood Founded 1858
Irish People News Paper was founded in 1863
William Smith O'Brien died 1864
Allen Larkin and O'Brien [Manchester Marters] executed 1867
Fenian rising at Tallagh Dublin March 1867
Vartry Waterworks opened October 1868
Samuel Lover died July 1869
Protestant Church Of Ireland disestabished, June 1869
Battle Of Sedan , September 1870
Third French Republic declared , September 1870
Dublin Tramways opened February 1872
Foley [Sculptor] died September 1874
Charles Stewart Parnell elected M.P for Meath in 1875
John Martin died March 1875
John Mitchel died March 1875
Cardinal Cullen died, October 1878
Threat of a famine. The Irish National League founded 1879
Isaac Butt died, May 1879
Theatre Royal burned down February 1880
St. Stephens Green opened August 1880
Dublin street lighted by electricity May 1881
Daniel O'Connell monument unveiled in Dublin 1882
Rev. Father Tom Burke died July 1883
National Exhibition opened August 1882
Charles J. Kickem died August 1882
Dublin Public Libraries opened October 1882
Gaelic Athletic Association founded in Thurles 1884
A.M. Sullivan died October October 1884
Cardinal McCabe died February 1885
Edmund Dwyer Grey died March 1888
Most Rev. Dr. Walsh elected Archbishop of Dublin August 1886
Parnell loses three by-elections in 1891
Foundation stone Wolfe Tone Memorial August 1898
Dublin Main Drainage commenced August 1896 opened September 1920
Local Government Of Ireland Act 1898
James Stephens died March 1901
Public Funeral For Charles Gavan Duffy March 1903
Great Hurricane in Dublin February 1903
Wyndham Land Act 1903
Sinn Fein formen in 1905
National University established 1908
Michael Davitt died May 1908
Land purchase act is passed in 1909
Foundation for Parnell Monument O'Connell Street October 1899 finished Oct. 1911
Insurrection, Easter April 1916
General Election returns Sinn Fein members 1918
All Ireland Convention set up by British Government 1917-18
John Redmond died 6th March 1918
First Dail meets January 1919
Mr. de Valera elected president 1919
Irish war of independence against Britain 1919 1921
Government Of Ireland Act [partition] 1920
General election Parliaments of Northern and Southern Ireland May 1921
Most Rev. Dr. Walsh died 1921
Treaty signed 6th December 1921
Second Dail assembled December 1921
Treaty debate in Dail December 22nd 1921 to January 7th 1922
Treaty approved January 1922
Mr. de Valera resigned office and defeated for re-election 9th January 1922
Mr. Arthur Griffith elected President January 10th 1922
Provisional Government established January 1922
Transfer of powers from British to Provisional Government January 16th 1922
General Election by Provisional Government Proclamation June 1922
Civil War breaks out in June to September 1922
Death of President Arthur Griffits August 13th 1922
Michael Collins in shot dead August 22th 1922
Third Dail assembled in September 1922
Constitution Of Irish Free State Act passed October 25th 1922
Mr. T.W. Healy k.c. appointed Governor General December 1922
General Election August 1923
Forth Dail assembled September 1923
Fifth Dail elected June 1927
Mr. Kevin O'Higgins assassinated July 10th 1927
John Dillon died 9th August 1927
Fianna Fail Party took seats in Dail August 11 1927
Fifth Dail dissolved August 25th 1927
Sixth Dail elected September 15th 1927
Sixth Dail assembled October 11th 1927
Earl Of Iveagh died October 1927
Cardinal O'Donnell died October 22th 1927
President Cosgrave visits U.S.A. 1928
Most Rev. Dr. MacRory appointed Archbishop of Armagh July 1928
Mr Kellogg, Foreign Sec. U.S.A. pays return visit Saorstat Eireann August 1928
Tailteann Games Dublin August 1928
Seanad. Second Triennial December 1928
John Devoy died September 1928, remains brought home from America and interred in Glasnevin Cemetery June 1929
Institute Of Journalists Congress Dublin 1928
Catholic Emancipation Anniversary Celebrations Phoenix Park 23th June 1929
T.P. O'Connor died November 1929
Most Rev. Pascal Robinson Archbishop of Tyana appointed Papal Nuncio to Saorstat Eireann 28th November 1929
General election with Fianna Fail winning 1932
The constitution of Ireland claims the 32 counties 1937
General Election Fianna Fail beaten 1948
I.R.A. Campaign in North 1951 to 1962
Ireland joins the United Nations in 1955
Northern Ireland Civil Rights founded in 1967