Irish Songs Lyrics With Guitar Chords By Martin Dardis

Rocky Road To Dublin sheet music

Lyrics + Chords A-B
C - F
G - J
K - M
N - R
S - T
U - Z
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The Rocky Road To Dublin sheet music and tin whistle notes-A traditional Folk song/tune made famous by The Dubliners with Luke Kelly singing  Rocky Road To Dublin lyrics + chords 

Below are the letter notes. In this version I have taken out all the ornamentation [ extra notes ] and made it as simple as possible to play. The F is a sharp and the c is natural. The higher notes past B are the lower case letters.

e   e    e  e    d         B  A      E       A   A      B C   D
In  the merry month of June from me home I started,
e     e    d      B  A      B   G    G   A     B   C   
Left the girls of Tuam nearly  broken hearted,
d  e e    d  B     A      E         A    A  B    c  d
Saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother,
e        e  d     B  A      B   B     G     G      A  B   c
Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother,
e       e   a   a       f    g       e        a       a f      g
Then off to reap the corn, leave where I was born,
e    a  a      f         g       e  d  B     G          A   B  c
Cut a stout black thorn to banish ghosts and goblins;
e          a  a     f   g            e  a     a     f     g
Bought a pair of brogues rattling o'er the bogs
e      e     a       a    f   g       e    e   d  B   G     A   B  c
And fright'ning all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin.
e       e      d       B     A      E      A    A      B    c      d    e        e  d  B
One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky
G      c    B  G   G     A  B   c     e          e       d  B   A
road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

Rocky Road To Dublin Tin Whistle Tab

The youtube video lesson is by Jean-Baptiste Meynard. He doesn't play the very same notes as the sheet music. He starts off playing the B, so you should be able to follow him.


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