The village of Applewood Swords was built in 2002 by Gannon Brothers developers. The village consists of a main street
with several housing estates surrounding it. Shops on the street include, Eurospar, a butchers, pub, video shop, a medical
center, hardware shop, chipper/pizza takeaway, coffee shops, the Orchard Pub, Jackie Skelly's Gym and a bookmakers. Doggy
Dogs which offers dog grooming service, Adams Apple Cafe, Marigold Chinese Take Away. The housing estates in the area
- Glen Ellen
- Bumbury Gate
- Sandford Wood
- Castleview
- Southbank
- Jugback
- Thornleigh
- Ashton Broc
- Brides Glen
- Laurelton
Buses that serve Applewood are the 41 and the urbus Dublin Bus
Coolers Off Licence phone number 8409939 delivery service available
Applewood Gallery Retail Unit 73 Main st Applewood Village Swords Co. Dublin Tel: (01)8131365
Adams Apple Cafe
ph. 01 8075272
Applewood DIY & Hardware Unit 71 Applewood Vlge Swords Co. Dublin Tel: (01)8107548
Dora's Takeaway Chipper And Pitzza
Phone No. 01-8107990
Eurospar U7 Main st Applewood Swords Co. Dublin Tel: (01)807475 Eurospar
Opening Hours: Mon 6am - 10pm Tue 6am - 10pm Wed 6am - 10pm Thu 6am - 10pm Fri 6am
- 10pm Sat 7am - 10pm Sun 8am - 10pm
Food Guru Take Away [Delivery Service]
North Street Buisness Park Swords
phone number 01 8138667
Map of Applewood Swords including housing estates
Applewood GPS Coordinates Latitude 53.4702159 Longitude -6.23345

The Manager of Fingal County Council was asked on the 14th of November with regard to Thornleigh, Swords:
(a) what parts have been taken in charge; (b) what parts are due to be taken in charge and (c) to investigate
the paths around the area, particularly the one around Thornleigh Educate Together, that are proving difficult for wheelchair
users?” Reply: In relation to the above query the Inspectorate Division would like to respond
as follows: (a) No part of this development has been taken in charge. (b) The developers of
this estate have gone into liquidation. The Inspectorate Division have notified the bond holders of their intention to
sequester the bond securities in order to bring the development up to a taking in charge standard. The bond holders have
not to date responded to these requests. (c) As part of the taking in charge process all road crossings
would be required to be dished in order to provide for universal access. This issue will be investigated and can be
addressed at this juncture.