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Water Main Burst Pipe On Main Street, Swords

Watermain Burst, Main Street, Swords
Traffic Management Plan–30” watermain Burst outside Fingal Café, Main Street, Swords
There is a serious burst on the 30” Watermain on Main Street, Swords in the vicinity of Fingal Café, losing a significant amount of water with the potential consequence of either an eruption or subsidence.   As a result urgent repairs need to be carried out.
It is intended to commence this work at 7pm approximately on Tuesday 5th November and works will continue until Thursday 7th November.  Because of the location of the watermain it will be necessary to close Main Street to vehicular access and parking, from the Junction of Chapel Lane to the Junction of Malahide Road for the duration of the works.  Parking restrictions will apply from 3pm on Tuesday.
Alternative routes to access Swords are posted under our Traffic Management Plan.
Water supplies to residents and businesses will be maintained throughout the repair period but some minor reductions in pressure may occur. Photo by Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council

A Message From Fingal County Council - Water Dept.
Greater Fingal Area:Including the Swords Area.  Because of water issues in the Greater Dublin Area it will be necessary to introduce some severe water pressure restrictions in the Fingal area. These restrictions will take place between the hours of 8.00pm to 7.00am on a daily basis. Some consumers in the Fingal Area may experience total water loss.
Consumers are requested to conserve water as much as possible and especially not to use washing machines, dishwashers, showers etc. during the hours of restriction. If water is conserved, water tank storage on premises should be adequate.
We apologise to consumers for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.Wednesday 30th October 2013 : 17.35
The above message from the council does not say which areas will be effected but I'm sure you'll find out when the tap stops working. It also does not say how long the restrictions will last but according to Dublin City Council it will be until Monday the 4th of November at the earliest.

October 30th 2013

Water Pipe Burst Main Street Swords

Water Pipe Being Dug Up On Main Street Swords

Excavation began at 6am to repair the pipe.

New Water Pipe For Main Street Swords

The new 30 inch water pipe waiting to be fitted on Main Street. Photo. by Fingal Co. Co. Taken on Wednesday 6th of November.

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