100 More Left Today Song By Mick Higgins. This song is part of the 2013 songwriting contest.
It's about emigration from Ireland today because there's no work to be had in Ireland. Mick emigrated to Malta many years
ago and is quiet happy and settled. He's the President of the Irish Maltese Circle which started last year and at moment he
is up to his eyes arranging the first ever St Patrick's Day parade to be held in Malta.
one hundred more left today. with no future, how could they stay, cap
in hand and begging bowl , a lifetime on the dole is all we could offer them today
irish men and women in their prime working hard to make a living was their crime, but the banks
that we own stloe away their homes , one hundred more left today.
one hundred more left today packed their
bags and moved away their talent and education has been lost to the nation. one hundred more left today.
bankers, and men of greed, has brought our country to it's knees to cheat and steal is a crime but they'll not serve
any time one hundred more left today.
it's maybe time to change our constitution to enact powers of repayment
and retribution retrospective legislation is what we need to save the nation. one hundred more left today.
need men now of strength and vision not a bunch of party serving politicians
men who will not follow party lines
and get back what yours and mine
100 hundred more left today
our lives now will never be the same with our children leaving on boats and
planes to seek the jobs we lack but they never will come back one hundred more left today. one hundred more
left today. a thousand more have gone away.