Mick Hanley
Shane MacGowan
Trad/Planxty Christy And Wally Page
Traditional /Planxty
Pearse Turner
Bobby Sands
Jackson Browne
Jimmy McCarthy
Traditional / Hamish Imlach
Richard Thompson
Wally Page
Martin Egan/C.Moore
Barry Moore/Luka Bloom
Dan Penn
Christy Hennessy
Jimmy Page/ Moving Hearts
Jackson Brown
John Gibbs Christy Moore
Christy Moore
Wally Page/Christy Moore
Christy Moore/ Father Horan
Dave Goulder
Gerry Murray
Joe McCann
Christy's new album will be out 28 October 2011
which will include 11 songs. Some old and some new tracks. I'm sure the Honda 50 song will be included.
The name of the new album is Folk Tale.
If you've sheet music notes, mandolin or banjo tabs for any Christy Moore songs, send them to me please.
all the tablature here has been kept easy, mostly three chords. If you ever get a chance to go see Christy Moore play, don't
hesatate, he puts on a wonderful show. I've been a fan for years and seen him play yonks of times, Christy was one of the
reasons for me learning the guitar in the first place. You can read more of what I've to say about Christy at the bottom of
the following link Black Is The Colour Lyrics chords
Success Everything has changed, yet everthing remains the same. It's about the
songs, if I end up back in the van playing small folk clubs, I'll still be content doing what I love to do and that's
singing these songs. This working life I have is about songs. It's been a marvlious journey and thankfully it's still
continuing. I view sining songs as a form of meditation because when I'm singing I go in somewhere and certain
when I'm singing to an audience. I get locked into something, I feel as if I'm unavailable when I'm in a song
and I have grown very comfortable with that feeling and I kind of like it.
Christy's First Recording The first thing I done when I went to England, well I started
work on the Oil Rigs and stayed long enough to get a decent guitar. I bought a Yamaha guitar around the time I started
going to folk clubs. I started the folk clubs around 1967 and found me way around. The Grehan Sisters from Boyle Co. Roscommon
were very good to me in England, they brought me around with them and let me play support to them. That opened a lot
of doors for me. A year later I met Dominic Behan at a benifit concert for the Northern Ireland civil rights and I
was invited to sing, Dominic was the star of the show and he lked what I sang, he invited me back to his house
and I spent a few days there with Dominic. He said, I'm going to make a record with you, and in those days it wasnt easy
to get a record made. Six of the tracks were my songs and 6 were Dominic's songs, that was the deal. The first song
I ever recorded was Connolly Was There.
The First Interview As far as I'm concerned there's no real folk scene in Ireland, as there
is in England says Christy Moore as we setteled ourselves comfortable with pints in the sunshine outside a Fleet Street pub.
There no interest in a folk scene, I think the basic difference between Ireland and over here is that in Ireland the clubs
are run by the publicans to make money. In England they are run by people who want to hear the music. I think that of all
the money that goes into the Irish folk scene the preformers get the least of it. For the past two years Christy has been
working on the British folk circuit, basing himself in Halifax Yorkshire. Christy comes from a musical family but his first
real inspiration as far as folk music is concerned were the Clancy Brothers whome he heard when he was 15. All the best songs
I sing I colected myself Christy told me but I also sing a lot of Dominic Behan songs and I'd like to make an l.p. of his
songs some day. As far as the colecting is concerned I did not get the songs from anywhere in particular. I know a few songs
from the area I came from, Kildare, but that part of the country isn't renouned for singing. I did colect a lot from Tipperary
and Clare. Christy has just completed his first record for Mercury Records and with Robin Hall and Jimmy McGragor and songwriter
David Campbell, is one of the first folk singers to be singed to the label. Titled ''Paddy On The Road'' , it will be released
before the end of the year. Among the songs that Christy has recorded are, Cunla, Curragh Of Kildare, Father McFadden, James
Larkin, Avondale and Maid Of Athy. Backing is supplied by Ray Swinfield on flute, guitars Danny Wright and Ike Isaacs and
Jack Fallon on bass. Steve Benbow arranged the songs and was the musical director as well as playing the guitar on the sessions.
I was really surprised with the l.p. says Christy, I was reluctant at first to use the backing but when I heard the tapes
I was pleased and I did enjoy the sessions. It was time for Christy to go then. He finished his pint, bade me farewell and
disappeared into the lounch time crowd. Paddy Was Back On The Road. Interview by Tont Wilson For Melody Maker
in 1969.


Traditional/Christy Moore
Bobby Sands
Johnny Mulhearn
Noel Brazil
Joni Mitchell
Christy Moore
Barney Rush
Jack Warshaw
Christy Moore
Peter Hames - Includes sheet music
Ron Hynes
Wally Page
Bruce Scott
Christy Moore
Traditional Song / Mandolin Tab. Included
Christy Moore
Jimmy McCarthy
Peter Cadle
The Voyage
Where I Come From

Christy On The Clancy Brothers.
We got a record of The Clancy Brothers and then we heard they were going to be playing in The Gaiety
up in Dublin. I managed to get 2 tickets and meself and Turlock came up to the Gaiety and it was the most amazing
gig I was ever at in my life. It was just stunning, the reason being is that we had being listening to Radio Luxinburg
and rock and roll and suddendly you had these 4 guys with one microphone, Tommy Makem, three Clancy Brothers singing in
our landguage, our dialect, singing songs that were local, but it was cool, it was rock and roll, it was real and exciting
in a way rock and rool couldn't be because it had our dialect Shortly after the Gaiety I was at a fleadh cheoil in
Bunclody. Liam Clancy was on the street with a croud around him singing The Leaving Of Liverpool.