Thatcher's work is still clear to be seen on both sides of the Irish Sea.
The greed and averice that prevailed in the British economy during her reign is still at large as the monstrous Celtic
Tiger runs riot around this island. The cities are marked by a sky lined with cranes, while out in rural parts many are demented
by the grant culture. It's as if the illness that was rampant in the City Of London has travelled like rabies in all directions,
more, more for me and f,,, the sick and needy. When I say her recently take tea with Pinochet and laud him for his support
during the Falklands War, I thought that perhaps the poor lady might be totally mad. But that would be to trivialise her absolute
danger to us all. I sense her spirit in Garvaghy Road, Brick Lane, Soho, Hungerford, Harrods and anywhere greed is seen to
be good or violence the answer, Christy Moore.