[D]The dreadful[G] news through[D] Irelan[D]d has spread from[G] shore to[D] shore Such[D] a deed no living[Am] man has[G]
ever[C] heard be[D]fore The[D] deeds of Cromwell in his[Am] time I'm[G] sure no [C]worse could[D] do Than[D] them Black and[G]
Tans that[D] murdered[A] those four youths in[G] Killa[D]loe
Three of the four were on the run and searched for all around Until with this brave Egan in Williamstown was found They
questioned him and tortured him but to his comrades he proved true And because he would not tell their whereabouts he was
shot in Killaloe
On the twelfth day of November the day that they were found Sold and traced through Galway to that house near Williamstown
They never got a fighting chance but were captured while asleep And the way that they ill-treated them would cause your blood
to creep
The hackled them both hands and feet with twines they could not break And brought them down to Killaloe by steamer on
the lake Without clergy judge or jury on the bridge they shot them down And their blood flowed with the Shannon convenient
to the town
After three days of perseverance their bodies they let go And ten pm the funeral passed through Ogonnolloe They were
kept in Scariff chapel for two nights and a day Now in that place of rest they lie, kind people for them pray
If you were at the funeral it was an awful sight To see four hundred clergymen and they all dressed up in white Such
a sight as these four martyrs in one grave was never seen They died to save the flag of love the orange white and green
Now that they are dead and gone I hope in peace they'll rest Like all young Irish martyrs, forever among the blessed
The day will come when all will know who sold their lives away Of young McMahon and Rogers, brave Egan and Kildea