Come [C]all you
true born [F]Irishmen
And [C]listen to my [G]song
I [C]am a bold buck [F]navy
And I [C]don’t know [G]right
from [C]wrong
Of [C]late I was
trans[F]ported boys
From [C]Eiren’s holy [G]shore
My [C]case is sad my [F]crime is bad
For [C]I was [G]born
Oh [C]Cricklewood Oh [F]Cricklewood
You [C]stole my
youth a[G]way
For [C]I was young and [F]innocent
And [C]you were [G]old and [C]grey
[C]If you’re
born [F]poor me Boys
It [C]is an awful [G]state
The [C]judge will sit u[F]pon yer crime
And [C]this he [G]will
I [C]find the prisoner [F]guilty
And the [C]law I
must lay [G]down
[C]Let this man be trans[F]ported straight
A[C]way to [G]Camden
Then [C]take him down to [F]Cricklewood
And [C]place him in the [G]pub
And [C]call the
limey [F]Governer
To [C]force him [G]for his [C]sup
Then [C]take him down to [F]Cricklewood
To [C]morter grease and [G]lime
And [C]let him rot in [F]Cricklewood
U[C]ntil he’s
[G]served his [C]time.
Chorus twice