Key of A Major
I (A) am a (E)sailor and (D) you’re my first (A) mate;
We (F#m) signed
on (C#m) together, (D) coupled our (E)fate;
Hauled (F#m) up our (C#m) anchor, (D) determined not to (A) fail,
For the
heart’s (E) treasure (D) together we set (A) sail.
Life (C#m) is an (F#m) ocean, love (C#m) is a boat,
In (Bm) troubled waters it keeps us (E) afloat.
When (D) we started the (E) voyage there (C#m) was just me and
(F#m) you:
Now (D) look around us, we (E) have our own (A) crew.
Key of D Major
(D) am a (A)sailor and (G) you’re my first (D) mate;
We (Bm) signed on (F#m) together, (G) coupled our (A)fate;
(Bm) up our (F#m) anchor, (G) determined not to (D) fail,
For the heart’s (A) treasure (G) together we set (D) sail.
(F#m) is an (Bm) ocean, love (F#m) is a boat, (Bm)
In (Em) troubled waters it keeps us (A) afloat.
When (G) we started
the (A) voyage there (F#m) was just me and (Bm) you:
Now (G) look around us, we (A) have our own (D) crew.
of G Major.
I (G) am a (D)sailor and (C) you’re my first (G) mate;
We (Em) signed on (Bm) together,
(C) coupled our (D)fate;
Hauled (Em) up our (Bm) anchor, (C) determined not to (G) fail,
For the heart’s (D) treasure
(C) together we set (G) sail.
Life (Bm) is an (Em) ocean, love (Bm) is a boat, (Em)
In (Am) troubled waters
it keeps us (D) afloat.
When (C) we started the (D) voyage there (Bm) was just me and (Em) you:
Now (C) look around
us, we (D) have our own (G) crew.
Key of E Major
I (E) am a (B)sailor and (A) you’re
my first (E) mate;
We (C#m) signed on (G#m) together, (A) coupled our (B)fate;
Hauled (C#m) up our (G#m) anchor, (A)
determined not to (E) fail,
For the heart’s (B) treasure (A) together we set (E) sail.
Life (G#m) is
an (C#m) ocean, love (G#m) is a boat, (C#m)
In (F#m) troubled waters it keeps us (B) afloat.
When (A) we started the
(B) voyage there (G#m) was just me and (C#m) you:
Now (A) look around us, we (B) have our own (E) crew.