It's (D)time we stood up for ourselves so (G)get up off your (D)knees.
We'll shake off our detractors and a(A)ttain
our hopes and (D)dreams
And if we fall prey to in-fighting, we're (G)never gonna (D)win,
So put aside your differences,
sing (A)loud, sing (D)proud
We won't (D)listen to their stories or be (G)waylaid by their (D)lies
It's a dream that's still attainable for
(A)kids like you and (D)I
So if we all stand together singing (G)one defiant (D)song
Our voice will reach the heavens,
so (A)sing with all your (D)heart
(D)Join us in a song
(G)We shall rise and (D)sing
Stand up and be counted
Sing a (A)song for
(D)Join us in this song
To(G)gether we shall (D)sing
Rise up and be counted
Sing it (A)loud, sing it
We've been (D)brutalized and crucified, the (G)brunt of their a(D)ttacks,
Is corruption not their trademark and
com(A)passion what they (D)lack?
If we can realize our common goals, the (G)end of which is (D)plain
United and now
stronger, their (A)loss is now our (D)gain!
Instrumental verse