Yr (G)eos (C)a'r (Am)glān (G)’hedydd
Ac adar mān y (C)mynydd,
A ewch chi'n (G)gennad at (C)liw'r haf
glaf o (G)glefyd (D7)new(G)ydd?
’Does (G)gen i (C)ddim (Am)an(G)rhegion
Na jewels drud i'w (C)danfon
I ddwyn i’ch (G)cof yr hwn
(C)a'ch cār,
Ond pār o (G)fenyg (D7)gwy(G)nion.
Yr (G)adar (C)mān (Am)fe (G)aethant
I'w siwrnai bell he(C)dasant
Ac yno ar (G)gyfer gwely (C)Gwen
ar y (G)pren ga(D7)na(G)sant.
Dy(G)wedai (C)Gwen, (Am)lliw'r (G)ewyn
’Och fi, pa beth yw'r (C)deryn
Sydd yma'n (G)tiwnio nawr (C)mor
A minnau'n (G)glaf ar (D7)der(G)fyn?’
’Cen(G)hadon (C)ym, (Am)gwnewch (G)goelio
Oddi wrth yr hwn a'ch (C)caro,
Gael iddo (G)wybod ffordd
(C)yr y’ch
Ai mendio'n (G)wych a'i (D7)pei(G)dio.’
’O (G)dwedwch (C)wrth(Am)o'n (G)dawel
Mai byr fydd hyd fy (C)hoedel,
Cyn diwedd (G)hyn o haf, (C)yn
Ā'n gymysg (G)bridd a (D7)gra(G)fel.’
Repeat 1st verse (optional)
English Translation
The nightinale and the pure lark
And little birds of the mountain
Will you go to the summer’s hue
suffers from a new disease?
I have no gifts
Or juwels to send
To help you remember the one who loves you
Only a pair of white gloves.
The little birds went,
They flew to their distant journey;
And there on Gwen’s bedside
They sang on
the branch.
Gwen, the wavecrest’s hue, said
„Oh who ist the bird
Who’s singing so beautifully
me so ill and nearing the end?“
„We are ambassadors, believe us
From the one who loves you
Who wants to know how you are
Whether you
are mending or not.“
„Oh, tell him very softly
That the lenght of my life iss hort,
Before summer’s end
mix with the earth and gravel.