Chords In Key of G Major
[G]you fill up my [C]sens[D]es
[Em]Like a ]C]night in a
Like the [C]mountains in spring[D]time
[Am]Like a [C]walk in the [D]rain
[G]Like a storm in the [C]des[D]ert
a [C]sleepy blue oc[G]ean
You fill up my [C]sens[D]es
]Am]Come [D]fill me a[G]gain
let me [C]love [D]you
[Em]Let me [C]give my life to [G]you
[G]Let me drown in your [C]laugh[D]ter
[Am]Let me [C]die
in your [D]arms
[G]Let me lay down be[C]side [D]you
[Em]Let me [C]always be with [G]you
[G]Come let me [C]love [D]you
[D]love me a[G]gain.
Key of D
[D]you fill up my [G]sens[A]es
a [G]night in a [D]forest
Like the [G]mountains in spring[A]time
[Em]Like a [G]walk in the [A]rain
[D]Like a storm
in the [G]des[A]ert
Like a [G]sleepy blue oc[D]ean
You fill up my [G]sens[A]es
[Em]Come [A]fill me a[D]gain
[D]Come let me [G]love [A]you
[Bm]Let me [G]give my life to [D]you
[D]Let me drown in your [G]laugh[A]ter
me [G]die in your [A]arms
[D]Let me lay down be[G]side [A]you
[Bm]Let me [G]always be with [D]you
[D]Come let me
[G]love [A]you
[Em]Come [A]love me a[D]gain
Key of A
[A]you fill up
my [D]sens[E]es
[F#m]Like a [D]night in a [A]forest
Like the [D]mountains in spring[E]time
[Bm]Like a [D]walk in
the [E]rain
[A]Like a storm in the [D]des[E]ert
Like a [D]sleepy blue oc[A]ean
You fill up my [D]sens[E]es
[E]fill me a[A]gain
[A]Come let me [D]love [E]you
[F#m]Let me [D]give my life to [A]you
me drown in your [D]laugh[E]ter
[Bm]Let me [D]die in your [E]arms
[A]Let me lay down be[D]side [E]you
[F#m]Let me
[D]always be with [A]you
[A]Come let me [D]love [E]you
[Bm]Come [E]love me a[A]gain.