BALLAD OF DAN BREEN CHORDS 3/4 (The Treshing Mill Boys)
The Treshing Mill Boys played this song in
C# major (capo on the 1st fret)
Intro: C-C-G-G G-G7-C-C
Of [C]all the men who [G]took up arms for the freedom [G7]of their [C]land
There's one in[F]deed who sowed the [G]seed
for victory's [G7]final [C]stand
A son of [F]Tipperary’s [G]soil he's held in [G7]high es[C]teem
He was born and
reared in [G]Solonead and his name it [G7]is Dan [C]Breen.
A[C]long with brave Sean [G]Tracy, they formed a [G7]steadfast [C]band
They were pre[F]pared to do or [G]die to
free their [G7]native [C]land
By mountain [F]side and heather [G]glen, through many a [G7]valley [C]free,
The tans they
fled, they [G]were in dread with meeting [G7]with Dan [C]Breen
His [C]deeds of courage [G]and renown will live for[G7]ever [C]more
Near Sole[F]nead and Aher[G]low and 'round by
He was fearless [F]in the face of [G]death and the story [G7]still lives [C]on,
We saved Sean Hogan
[G]from the tans at the Station [G7]of Knock[C]long.
When [C]all this land once [G]more is free and it surly [G7]will some [C]day
And we'll re[F]member men who [G]fought
in many a [G7]bloody [C]fray
Those men whose [F]smoldering bones now [G]lie beneath our [G7]sod of [C]Green
In letters
bold in[G]scribed in gold will write the [G7]name Dan [C]Breen.
In letters bold in[G]scribed in gold will write the [G7]name
Dan [C]Breen.