(C) Farewell to the cottage on the (F) moun(C)tain
To the cradle that first lulled me to (G) sleep
Tears (C) fell like some (G) natural (C) foun(F)tain
As I gaze o'er the (G) waves of the (C) deep
O land of the loveliest culture
Umatched boys where e're we do roam
That like the lone dove 'neath the vulture
Lies the shadow of an Irish man's home
Beautiful, beautiful (F) Ire(C)land
You're the emerald gem of the (G) sea
I will (C) cling to my (G) home in old (C) Ire(F)land
O my (C) Ireland I (G) wish you were (C) free
Look at the ships daily sailing
They're bound for a far distant shore
Listen to the cries and the wailing
They're leaving their own native home
They're going to a land where there's plenty
It's a land of the free o'er the foam
But each night as I lie on my pillow
I will dream of an Irish man's home