In the (C)fair bay of (Em)Dublin, while (C)careless(Em)ly
I (C)sat myself (Am)down near a (Em)clear
crystal (Am)Stream
Re(C)clined on the (Am)beach, as the (Em)wild
waves were (Am)rolling
In (C)sorrow con(Em)doning, I (C)heard a
(G)fair (C)maid
Her (C)hopes changed to (Em)mourning, that
(C)once were (Em)so (Am)glorious
I (C)stood in a(Am)mazement to (Em)hear her
sad (Am)tale
Her (C)heartstrings were (Am)torn in wild
(Em)ascent so (Am)glorious
Saying, (C)where is my (Em)Blackbird of (C)sweet
"In the (C)fair counties (Em)Kerry, through
(C)Cork, and (Em)Tip(Am)perary,
The (C)rights of Old (Am)Ireland, my (Em)Blackbird
did (Am)sing
But (C)woe to the (Am)hour, with the (Em)dark
lights in (Am)Derry
When (C)he from my (Em)arms, to (C)Dublin
(G)took (C)way"
"Oh, (C)Heaven, give (Em)ear to (C)my (Em)suppli(Am)cation
And (C)strengthen the (Am)bold sons of (Em)Old
And (C)promise that my (Am)country will (Em)soon
be a (Am)nation
And (C)bring back my (Em)Blackbird to (C)sweet
"Oh, (C)where in my (Em)country, a(C)wake
(Em)from your (Am)slumbers
And (C)bring back my (Am)Blackbird, so (Em)dear
unto (Am)me
And let (C)everyone (Am)know, by the (Em)strength
of your (Am)numbers
That (C)we, as a (Em)nation, would (C)like to (G)be (C)free