A (G)cold May mornin’ was breaking
Over (Am)Dublin’s dreary town
Six(D)teen brave men have fallen
To the rifles of the (G)crown
Because they’d loved their country
And (Am)served it night and day
But be(D)fore they faced the rifles
This is what those boys did (G)say
Take a(G)way the blood-stained bandage
From (Am)off an Irish brow
We (D)fought and bled for Ireland
And we will not shirk it (G)now
We have held her in her struggle,
In an (Am)answer to her call
And be(D)cause we sought to free her
We are placed against a (G)wall
Ned (G)Daly, Heuston, Colbert
Mac(Am)Donagh and MacBride
Mac(D)Dermott and the brothers Kent
With Clarke and Plunkett (G)died
Mick Mallin, Pat and Willie Pearse
O’(Am)Hanrahan and Ceannt
And the (D)last of all James Connolly
this message to them (G)sent
Chorus twice