Below are the letter notes which are suitable for those who don't read sheet music or play piano keyboard or accordion.
This song is a great example of how a melody of a song can only have 4 notes and still sound so good.
B A A F# A A B A
A A F#
Lord al-migh-ty I feel my tempera-ture ris-ing
c# B
A A A F# A B
A A A F#
High-er high-er it's burning through to my soul
c# B A
F# A A B A A A F#
Girl girl girl you gonn-a set
me on fire
A c# B A A F# A
A c# B A A
My brain
is flam-ing I don't know which way to go
A c# c# B B
A F# A B c# c# B
B A F#
Your kis-ses lift me high-er like the sweet song of a cho-ir
A c#
c# B B A F# A
You light my morn-ing sky with burn-ing love