Anna Liffey Song. I wrote this song as a positive view of our river, instead of the usual comments
dirty and so forth. [ Christy] [D]Oh my dearest [C]Dublin [G]on the li[D]ffey side [C]always in
my thoughts for[G]ever on my [D]mind [C]when i re[G]turn to you i [D]never more will [C]roam for C]Dublin on the [G]liffey
is the [D]place i call my home CHORUS [C]Anna
liffey is [G]rolling [D]awa[C]y anna liffey [G]is rolling a[D]way [C]I can see you clearly [G]in my mind [G]although i
am so far away [C]Anna liffey is rolling a[D]way From the Wicklow mountains small streams the make their
way meandering through the Sallys gap through the plains of bold Kildare your majestic scene through the strawberry
beds no beauty can compere through the heart of my Dublin city flowing gracefully to the bay
chorus in
the cold and heat on the Boston streets working night and day the thoughts of you and my people keep my spirits high your
morning suns reflection on your waters rolling by there's an easy wind a blowing seagulls rising to the sky chorus
Name And Shame - I wrote this one to highlight the abuse by church and state (Am) in the
name of my father (C) for i am his son and his (G) spirit is deep within me(Am) you took his brother (C) to letterfrac
when he got (G) out was dead in the year (Am) (G) christian brothers you ( Am) abused our trust (G) you filled this
young boy with (Am) fear betrayed by the state all (C) you thought him was hate for the(G) church and the powers that
be(Am) chorus
(G) oh name and (Am) shame (G) for you know who among you,s to (Am) blame oh name and
(AM)shame in the name of my father for i am his son and his spirit is deep within me
you took
his children to mind and to care while his wife was in hospital ill sisters of mercy you abused our trust you filled
his children with fear betrayed by the state all you thought them was hate for the church and the powers that be chorus
and shame the ones to blame and free the child within speak of the tortures you endured till your shackles wear weak
and thin church and state you abused our trust with your silence and complicity you lied denied victims criminalised you own
this hyprocy. [ FACT: Catholic priests abuse at a rate far lower than that of other males in the general population.
Crown Of Thorns ,i wrote this song one for nationalists
I walk through her green
valleys gaze upon her tall strong tree's birds nesteling in her branches whistling tunes out so sweet this beauty that
surrounds me is tarnished by tyrany in this land of my fathers still fighting to be free chorus The
crown of thorns upon the harp can't dim its sweet refrain the piper plays a haunting tune of an Ireland one for all the
poet writes of love and peace singers chant out old war songs in this land of my father still fighting to be free I look
down from her mountains at the town that lyes below church steeple high above her shade the graves of some unknown tablets
weather beaten no names for who died here intered in this hallowed ground their spirits roaming free chorus Mountain
streams they run through her hold a source of life for all her landscape wild and rugged Salmon leap where the water falls forever
flowing her youth still growning in this land torn by history prepairing another battle ground for the final victory chorus
Guitar Chords I (Am) walk through her Green(C) valleys gaze (Am) upon her tall strong (G)tree's (Am)
birds nestling in her (C)branches whistling (Am) tunes out so (G) sweet (Am) this beauty that (F) surrounds
me is (C) tarnished by tyranny (G) (Am) in this land of my(F) fathers(C) still fighting to be (G) free chorus (Am)the
crown of thorns(F) upon the harp (C) cant dim its sweet (G) refrain (Am) the piper plays a (F) haunting
tune of (C) an Ireland one for (G) all (Am) the poet writes of (F)love and peace (C)singers chant
out old war (G) songs (Am) in this land of my (f) father still (C (G)) fighting to be free
Vote For Me Song I wrote this song thinking of the mass emigration in the fifties and today (Am)they
worked hard and(G) played a part of the ireland of (Am) today from the tenements of (G) yesteryear they lived in slumish
(Am) decay (G) in their droves took to(Am) the road(G) traveled to foreign (Am) lands (G) many walked
the (Am) streets for work (C) slept when they(G) could not(Am) stand
chorus (G) and the
priest sold hope to(Am) hopeless men(G) landlords demanded (Am) pay (G) politicians said (Am) vote for me we will (C) find
(G)a better(Am) way returning home no more to roam striving day to day casual work cutting turf or shoveling
coal down on the quay with permenent graft they stamped you card on the fiddle you made them pay praised trade unions
movements the workers where having a say chorus
made their homes the best the could raised children
hard and fast told storys of life abroad and of those who never returned raised a glass to those who had passed forever
in their prayers cursed politicans and landlords for selling their birth write away chorus
my celtic lady,s inviting smile, my celtic lady,s curling hair, my celtic lady, thief of hearts. when
first I met you on that dreary street stolen glances our hearts did meet. my
celtic lady dressed in lace my celtic lady's freckled face my celtic lady full of grace my celtic lady proud of race. when
first I met you on that dreary street stolen glance,s our hearts did meet. my
celtic lady's spirit free my celtic lady entices me my celtic lady's tender touch my celtic lady I love you
so much I gave yo my heart you have taken my soul our love grows stronger as
we grow old my celtic lady in a stole so green my celtic lady of my dreams my
celtic lady comes to me my celtic lady's she's the queen of queen's I gave
you my heart you have taken my soul our love grow,s stronger as we grow old my celtic lady takes my hand my
celtic lady wears my band my celtic lady grows my seed my celtic lady i worship thee.
The Guitar
Chords (G) my celtic (D) lady's(C) wild green (D)eyes, (G)my celtic (D)lady's (C) inviting (D)
smile, (G) my celtic (D)lady's (C) curling (D) hair, (G) my celtic (D) lady, (C) thief of(D) heart,s (Em)
when first i(D) met you on (C) that dreary(D) street (Em) stolen (D) glances our (C) heart,s did (D) meet
The Liberties - A song about the Liberties In Dublin (Am)I was born and reared in dublin town
they(F) call the (Am) Liberties every corner of this place (F) holds a (Am) memory of the (Dm) days of old my (G) friends
where bold (Am) them I seldom (G) see i (Am) love this place in Dublin town we (F) call the (Am)Liberties i
went into Patrick's park and i (F) sat down on a(Am) seat I watched the children play around their faces (F) full of
(Am) glee some (Dm) whino,s they lay (G) in the grass with(Am) their bottles of (G) misery it,s a (Am)
hard old place in Dublin town we(F) call the(Am) Liberties My mind began to wander back to the days when i was
young,i married a girl from meath street she bore me tree fine son,s time,s where hard and work was scarce but we done
the best we could sure the neigbhours would alway,s lend hand down in the Liberties i dreamed about old Francis street
and of the Tivoli of the people who used to frequent there,remembered them old woden seats to the kids flash gordon was
all the rage with that bad old doctor ming and old harry always checked the line outside of the tivoli
I soon
woke to reality to the times that are now new age trams traffic jams no characters just scams appartment buildings gangland
killings Celtic tiger has gone to ground has torn apart and raped the heart of my dear old liberties with unemployment
drugs and crime thank Christ I have memories
The iron lady Maggie Thatcher (Am)how did you sleep in your final(G) days with the
(F) memory of your (E) evil way,s (Am) did you beg for forgiveness for the(G) pain you caused (F)or
are you unrepentent(E) for it all (C) did the ghosts of the past (G) haunt your dreams did you (F)
wake to hear miners (E) familys screams (C) did the ghosts of the past (G) haunt your dreams now the (F) puppet
masters (F) have cut your strings (Am) (F) (E) (Am) (F) (E) In your dreams do you recall the men on the
blanket and the dirty walls the beatens and torture they endured for the love of a country you never understood did
the ghosts of the past haunt your dreams do you wake to hear hunger strikers plea did the ghosts of the past haunt your
dreams did you give the order shoot to kill
Are your nightmare,s of maldenas isle where you spat
your venom on a far of land graveyards with white cross,s mark the place your legacy Thatchers inhumane disgrace did
the ghosts of the past haunt your dreams did you wake to hear bellgrano,s screams did the ghosts of the past haunt your
dreams from those you sent to a watery grave
The Celtic Rising Song chorus (C)the Celtic clans are (F) rising on ou(C) land and across
the (F) sea (C)the Celtic blood is(F) boiling for(C) unity and(F) liberty (G)they be one (Am) nation
(F) united and (G) free (C)when the dragon wakes (F) from its sleep (C) and spits fire upon the (F) rose (C)
takes back whats (F) is theirs the (C) lands that the tyrant(F) stole (G) they will be one (Am) nation (F) united
and (G)free chorus
The thistle grows tall and strong and sews out its seed spread across the northern
lands longing to be free they will be one nation united and free chorus When the dream becomes a reality
and the brit has left our shore no more to prey on the emerald isle the beast will feed no more we will be one nation
united and free (C)hand in hand all(F) in one land (C)united Irishmen and(F) free (C)hand in hand all (F)in
one land with(C) pride and with (F) dignity (C) hand and hand all (F) in one land the (C)Orange the White and
(F) Green (C) hand in hand all in one(F) land (C) united irishmen and (F) free (G)we will be one (Am)
nation (F)united and(G) free
Voices Lyrics And Chords. (G)listen to the people who (D) suffered the pain you(C) censored
their voice,sD) not to be heard (G)telling the truth you said (D)they where liars and(C) told them there in
it to (D) profit and gain (G)voice,s(D) (C) hear their voices(D) (G) voices(D) (C) hear their voices(D) They
tell you what happened while in your care of the beatens and the evil vile rapes young people in care who thought they
where safe their lives in the hands of people who hate voices hear their voices voices hear their
depraved people who speak in gods name sheltered and protected in romes holy sea transferred to the africas impoverished
lands where they rape and abuse all over again voices hear their voices voices hear their voices
is hard when you know its happened for victims and survivors their abuse goes on its what they do its who they are denying
the truth to save face in their shame voices hear their voices voices hear their voices
The people of ireland
demand the truth, the people of canada demand they be named the people of america demand they be shamed the people of the
world demand justice voices hear their voices voices hear their voices
This song was
written from the heart and the words of survivors and victims,it was not done to offend anyone,s religion or beliefs,there
are more good people in the clergy than bad ,christy
Hear Him Cry Song. (D)a mother wipes(C) the sweat from her brow(D) when she hears her(C) baby
cry(D) the doctor says well(C) done mother you,ve(D) a healthy(C) baby boy(D) (Bm) the sun will rise (G) early
this morn it ,s(D) the start of a(C) bran new day(D) (Bm) this baby boy(G) with angels will play it,s (D) a very happy
day(D) you will (C) see you will(G) hear him(D) cry you will (C) see you will (G) hear him(D) cry his
mother will care and nurture him teach him all her ways he will grow tall and strong know right and wrong he will
make her proud one day she will teach him how to read and write computers are important these day,s ten
hours a day his head stuck into a book will his mind mature that way you wont see you wont hear him cry
you wont see you wont hear him cry as he grows from boy to man confused and bored is he to
find himself peer pressure cant help he feel,s like running away but there is no where to run there,s no where to
hide no refuge for him out there he thinks whats it all for he walk,s out the door this baby boy will be no more you
did.not see you did not hear him cry you did not see you did not hear him cry a mother wipes the tears
from her eyes when she hears of her baby,s demise she did not see she did not hear him cry she did not see she did
not hear him cry if you listen you will hear him cry. I wrote this one in the aftermath of the Stardust
fire when teenage suicide was rampant in Dublin it was mainly a male problem then ,today it is rampant across all
Garden Of Tears (G) The guilt of being powerless(C) and the shame (G)when children
think they (C) are to blame (G)what did the do to(C) suffer such pain (G) in the garden of tears where(C)
evil doe,s(D) reign (G)in the garden of tears where(C) evil doe,s(D) reign No where to
run they cry in their silence no one to tell of their stolen innocence no voice for the children suffering
the pain in the garden of tears wher evil doe,s reign Pied Pipers of hade,s they come in god,s name to
prey on your children without conscience or shame with the bible in one hand cruicix in the other in the garden of tears
where evil doe,s reign in the garden of tears where evil doe,s reign
the bell tolls on this land of saints
and scholars where people pray for scoundrel and sinner admitting is hard when they know its happened in the garden
of tears where evil doe,e reign in the garden of tears where evil doe,s reign
the guilt of been powerless
and the shame when people think that they are to blame nothing changes it remains the same in the garden of tears
where evil doe,s reign in the garden of tears wher evil doe,s reign
I wrote this one
in anger at the powers that be in their denial of the truth about industrial schools,the perpetraitors sullied the names of
many great and good people in the religious orders who have served the people at home and abroad,with compassion
and respect,,,christy
Rise Ireland Rise Song (Am)cromwell came to(G) ireland(Am) raped the country(G)
side (Am)took fifty thousand(G) people as slaves and (Am) sold them(G) worldwide (Am) raided homes and(G) villages
wher(Am) people worked and(G) dweled (Am)a peaceful(G) existance(Am) turned to(G) a living (Am) hell chorus ireland
did (C) rise(G) ireland did(Am) rise many people(G) took up arms and so many(Am) died ireland did(C) rise (G) ireland did
(Am) rise no more to be(G) enslaved ireland did(Am) rise he evicted family,s from their home,s burned their
crops and barns installed planters on their lands who ruled with iron hands plague and famine did ensue no mercy on
this land the genocide of ireland the greed of a foregn land chorus many years have passed by irelands struggle still
goes on cromwells disciples stand firmly on our land with a foregn army by it side shouting their war cry,s the butchers
apron flying high rise ireland rise
rise ireland rise rise ireland rise no more to be enslaved
rise ireland rise rise ireland rise rise ireland rise no more to be enslaved rise ireland rise
wrote this song, prior to the marching season in british occupied ireland, christy.
if you have a euro or two (me house is falling down (Am) (C)me house is falling down what(G)
am i going to do the(F) morgage hase'nt been paid in months me(E) insurance is overdue (C) the rain it is pouring
down me (G)windows where blown in(F) from the storm that came on Saturday night now me(E) patience is wearing thin (C)i
called in john the mullagh to(G) see what he could do no(F) problems there christy me boy if (E) you have a euro or two (C)captain
culshi on his way with(G) desi the dub too they will(F) lash the flash on your chimney stack (E)it will be as good as new (Am)if
you have a(G) euro or(Am) two me house is falling down what am i going to do the morgage hasent been paid in
months me insurence is overdue the wife is giving me heartache and indigestion too i wish i could find some work sure any
thing would do me boiler blew up yesterday me kids they have the flu no heating in this cold cold house now what am i going
to do i called in john the mullagh to see what he could do no problems there christy me boy if you have a euro or two captain
culshi desi the dub are good at the plumbing they will have it up and running it will be as good as new if you have a euro
or two
me house is falling down there is nothing i can do the bank repossed today si i will have to start a
new the kids there with me mother the wife is with her too the tears will flow for i have to go to make a life for you with
all the love i have in my heart enough to see me through i will be on a flight later on tonight god knows to timbucktoo when
i hear john the mullagh and captain culshi too saying how is it going christy me boy we are of to catmando desi the dub
went yesterday to find some work to do and we wont be back to this our land till we make a euro or two
till we make
a euro or two if you have a euro or two if you have a euro or two captain culshi jonhn the mullagh them is the boys for you if
you have a euro or two I wrote this one about my two
good friends from kildare,who have been helping people around our estate,who like myself are to old to emegrate,,
Heros Song Lyrics And Chords (Am) Bobby Sands he went on hunger strike(C) hero hero (Am)francis hughs he
went on hunger strike(C) hero hero (Am) in their (C) struggle for freedom (G)they did die (Am)the irish
nation(G) wept and cried (Am)still(G) our country (Am)is deprived(G) of (Am)peace(Am) and unification(G)(Am)(G))Am)(G)(Am) Joe
mc Donnell died on hunger strike hero hero martin hurson died on hunger strike hero hero they would not be criminalised mother
Ireland wept and cried still our country is deprived of peace and unification
Ray McCreesh went on hunger
strike hero hero pat o hara went on hunger strike hero hero political status was denied mother ireland wept and cried still
our country is deprived of peace and unification
Kieran Doherty died on hunger strike hero hero kevin lynch
he died on hunger strike hero hero they where beaten in the breakers yard the Irish nation wept and cried still our
country is deprived of peace and unification
Tom McElwee died on hunger strike hero hero Mick Devine he died
on hunger strike hero hero they both died on hunger strike mother ireland wept and cried still our country
is deprived of peace and unification
Thatcher couldent break their will hero hero the brit responce was shoot
to kill hero hero ten men they died on hunger strike the Irish nation wept and cried still our country is deprived
of peace and unification
With music we will sing our songs heros heros and tell the courage of you
all heros heros we will sing our songs out with pride and tell the world why you have died the sacrafice you
have made your courage has inspired us heros heros heros hero.
Fourty eight stars (Am)(C)(G)(Am) (Am) febuary i(C) look in the sky (G) stars shine upon
me(Am) i realise three decades ago i(C) walked with a friend and (G)spoke of the loss of(Am) children so dear chorus (C)survivors
today are(G) still dismayed (F) so many tears fall on (E) valentines day (Am) fourty eight stars(G) shine in the
sky (F) their familys grief (E)are still asking why. down the coast road feeling numb watching wave,s
roll to the pier on the strand walking real slow questions asked we did not know. chorus
the loss of
the innocent on that night united a nation in sorrow and prayer years pass by in this city of grief people still
shocked in disbelief. chorus
every night i look in the heavens stars dance and jig away in the sky many
nights in the dark they light my way i kneel by my bed and for you i pray. chorus
I wrote
fourty eight stars for the thirty anniversary of the fire in Stardust in Artane, Christy.
Goldenbridge (Am) mother of mercy(C) pray for us(G) sisters of charity(Am) care for us sister severia to(C)
show us the way(G) and torture us to(Am) keep us at bay(C) we are the children that where(G) taken away to be(Am) locked in
your school,s to be(E) hidden away with (Am) no one one to love us to(G) ease our fears our(Am) cries and our screams(E) no
one could hear The sun shines through this dormatry cell long night passed in this living hell I stand by
my bed shaking with fearand and look for my friend who has disappeared I ask where she might be she died in the night and
was she taken away where they took sure no one can say goldenbridge went silent that day
Dearest father
hear our plea come down from the heavens and rescue we for we are your children without sin condemend to abuse in
your name God the father pray for us mother of god shelter us disciples of satan who have brought you shame bring
them to justice for it was not in your name
These songs on state and church abuse where endorsed by survivors
accounts ,Christine Buckley of the Ashling Centre, Michael O'Brien, John Kelly S O C A ,June Davy i have some
more songs on this subject ,and think the story has been told,with thanks to all who contributed ,,christy.
More Songs To Follow Soon