When (D)on Ramillie's (Bm)bloody (D)field,
The baffled French were (G)forced to (Em)yield,
The (D)victor (A)Saxon (Bm)backward (D)reeled
Before the (G)charge of (A)Clare's Dra(D)goons.
The Flags we (A)conquered (Em)in that (D)fray,
Look lone in (A)Ypres' (Em)choir, they (G)say,
We'll (D)win them (A)compan(Em)y to(D)day,
Or bravely (G)die like (A)Clare’s Dra(D)goons.
(D)Viva (A)la for (Bm)Ireland's (D)wrong!
Viva (Bm)la, for (G)Ireland's (Em)right!
(D)Viva (A)la in (Bm)battle (D)throng,
For a Spanish (G)steed, and (A)sabre
The (D)brave old Lord died (Bm)near the (D)fight,
But, for each drop he (G)lost that (Em)night,
A (D)Saxon (A)cava(Bm)lier shall (D)bite
The dust be(G)fore Lord (A)Clare's Dra(D)goons,
For never, (A)when our (Em)spores were (D)set
And never, (A)when our (Em)sabres (G)met,
Could (D)we the (A)Saxon (Em)soldiers (D)get
To stand the (G)shock of (A)Clare's Dra(D)goons.
(D)Viva (A)la, the (Bm)New Bri(D)gade!
Viva (Bm)la, the (G)Old One, (Em)too!
(D)Viva (A)la, the (Bm)rose shall
And the shamrock (G)shine for(A)ever
An(D)other Clare is (Bm)here to (D)lead,
The worthy son of (G)such a (Em)breed;
The (D)French ex(A)pect some (Bm)famous (D)deed,
When Clare leads (G)on his (A)bold Dra(D)goons.
Our Colonel (A)comes from (Em)Brians (D)race,
His wounds are (A)in his (Em)breast and (G)face,
The (D)bearna (A)baoghail is (Em)still his (D)place,
The foremost (G)of his (A)bold Dra(D)goons.
Repeat 2nd chorus twice