You (C) came
a(G)cross the (C)river
And you (F)really hat
no (G)call
In fact you shouldn't
have crossed that bridge
at (G7)all, at all,
at (C)all -
Her dog had
(G)reached my (C)fourth weel
As I (G)put the car
in gear
Say's (G7)I, I'm
getting out of here
Be(C)fore he (G)finds
the (C)spare
It was (C)just
out(G)side a (C)joke shop
I (F)met a man with a
Black polish painted
on his face
And he (G7)wore a
I asked for the
(G)road to (C)Ballymastray
Says (G)he - I'm mot
from here -
He (G7)asked me where
I was coming from
Says (C)I- I've (G)no
Ah (C)never (G)ask a
Un(F)less you want a
One will send you to
the left
And the (G7)other to
the (C)right
I left a (G)pair at
And (G)then my blood
ran cold
For (G7)wheeling
round the corner
Came the (C)man with
the (G)bag of (C)coal
- Ah (C)now you're
(G)really (C)lost my boy,
And you've (F)just
yourself to (G)blame
For you drove away
the minute
I was (G7)trying to
But I'll tell you
(G)now for (C)nothing
If you (G)take
me and my load
I'll (G7)show you the
way to Ballymastray
And it (C)won't be
(G)off your (C)road -
It was (C)half an
(G)hour (C)later
We (F)reached his
granny's (G)lane
And there we left his
bag of coal
And (G7)headed on
He left me (G)with
An (G)hour after that
At a (G7)petrol pump
with a pub attached
And the (C)name of
the (G)pub was (C)Pat's
Ah when I (C)reached my
I (F)was a broken
But the lesson that I
learned that day
I'll (G7)share it if
I (C)can
If you're going to
Ballyma(G)stray of
If you're (G7)going
to bally anywhere
Would you (C)buy a
(G)bally (C)map