With your (D)dark (A)hair in the
(D)Donegal (A)breeze,
Bringing me (D)soft(A)ly and (E)sweetly
(E7)to the (A)ground,
But, there's (D)mad(A)ness in the
(D)sycamore (A)trees,
And there's (D)no (A)sal(E)vation
(E7)to be (A)found.
(A)Right now the (C#m)only things that (D)my mind ever holds,
(A)Are long dark (E)silences or (D)screaming that explodes,
(E)Burning rocking beds with (D)visions of a land,
(E)Long dark tunnels, (E7)questions and calm,
But, with (A)you, you know I (E)have no doubts,
And (D)fear will have no sting, -A
With your (E)brilliant eyes and your (D)lost and broken wing,
My (E)head upon your (E7)shoulder as you (D)take me in your arms,
(E)Continents will (E7)crumble, (E)we will find no (A)harms. -E
Well I'll (C)brace myself a(Am)gainst the dark, en(C)deavour to go (Am)on,
No (D)matter how (F#m)long it takes, and even (Bm)though I might be (D)wrong,
And I will (C)ask a little (Am)favour of what(C)ever God I (Am)find,
And I will (D)come back for you (Bm)darling, when I (E)find some peace of
Well I don't (A)know about to(C#m)morrow, it will (D)be here and gone,
(A)I don't know about to(E)night, it'll (D)just be too long,
Some(E)times I think I'm (E7)dying, and I (D)don't care how,
All I (E)know is that I (E7)want you, and I (E)want you here and (A)now.