The old wino that sleeps on the quay
Have you
seen the old wino that sleeps on the quay
A few years ago he was like you and me
Now he's homeless he's hopeless hes no family
Have you seen the old wino
that sleeps on the quay.
Repeat chorus
He was happy he was homely he did no one harm
the wife left him for someone with charm
Now he spends his days drinking and trying to forget
What it
was like when he had some hope left.
Repaet chorus
the wife left he seldom went home
He just couldent cope he was no good alone
Straight to the pub he neglected the grub
When his health went so did the job.
The bank took the house he lost all his friends
He's no fixed abode so he sleeps
on the road
Repeat chorus
Now the credit cards gone and so is his mind
All he has left is his bottle of wine
He spends his day begging alone on the streets
Have you any old odds can you spare a few bob.
Repeat chorus
Some people say hes a living disgrase
More people say give him a chance
You never know when you might end up that way
And you'd end up sleeping down on
the quay
Repaet chorus
If you see a old wino asleep on the quay
He didn't set out to end up that way
He had hope he had vision he longed for the
His kids would get married and he'd give them away
all he has left is a life of regret
So he drinks and he drinks to try to forget.
He's forty five now but he looks eighty two
he hasen't long
left between me and you
Who will mourn the old devil is anyones guess
When he has his last drink and he takes his last breath.
You wont see the old wino that slept on the quay
He's now up in
heaven he's since passed away
He has a new home and a new family
God bless the old wino that slept
on the quay