He (C)told me the (F)story of (G)nineteen-six(C)teen,
Of the (F)April and (C)May and e(G)vents in between
Of a
(F)brave band of (C)comrades, (G) - together they (Am)stood,
(C)To reclaim their (F)country (G)- and their nation(C)hood
Roger (C)Casement he (F)landed (G)down at Banna (C)Strand
With the (F)arms and ammu(C)nitions so (G)close at hand
the (F)Aud she was (C)scuttled (G)off a cold Irish (Am)bay
(C)And the guns for the (F)rising (G) in the water they (C)lay
But (F)Connolly and (Dm)Clarke they (C)stood by Padraig’s (G)side
Joe (F)Plunkett, Con (C)Colbert, Willie (F)Pearse
and (C)John Mac(G)Bride.
As they (F) strike of (Dm)freedom and (C)liberty’s (Am)dream
(C)Of those brave men and
(F)women of (G)nineteen-six(C)teen
U(C)pon Sackville (F)Street (G)the proclamation red (C)out
(F)Called to the (C)nation their (G)oppressors to rout
the (F)centuries of (C)bondage (G)and the notion of (Am)tears
(C)A lead in the (F)van (G)was your man Padraig (C)Pearse
But (F)Connolly and (Dm)Clarke they (C)stood by Padraig’s (G)side
Mac(F)Donagh, Ned (C)Daly, Eamon (F)Kent and
(C)John Mac(G)Bride.
As they (F) strike of (Dm)freedom and (C)liberty’s (Am)dream
(C)Of those brave men and (F)women
of (G)nineteen-six(C)teen
The (C)Countess and (F)Mallin (G)at Stephen’s (C)Green
Neither (F)one their a(C)llegiance to a (G)king or a queen
(F)God bless all those (C)women (G)prepared for to (Am)die
As they (C)marched with their (F)brothers neath that (G)clear
april (C)sky
T’was (F)Connolly and (Dm)Clarke they (C)stood by Padraig’s (G)side
(F)Michael O’(C)Hanrahan, Sean
(F)Hueston (C)and Mac(G)Bride.
As they (F) strike of (Dm)freedom and (C)liberty’s (Am)dream
(C)Of those brave
men and (F)women of (G)nineteen-six(C)teen
At (C)sixteen on (F)Moore Street (G) they made their last (C)stand
O’(F)Rallaigh cut (C)down (G)ah but the fight
it was grand
And now I (F)hear Dublin (C)Council are (G)turning this (Am)place
Into a (C)damn super(F)market
– (G)what a bloody dis(C)grace
Cause (F)Connolly and (Dm)Clarke they (C)stood by Padraig’s (G)side
(F)John MacNa(C)mara, Thomas (F)Kent and (C)John
As they (F) strike of (Dm)freedom and (C)liberty’s (Am)dream
(C)Of those brave men and (F)women of
As I (F)stand by their (Dm)gravesites and (C)think of their (Am)dream
And that (C)fight for their (F)freedom in (G)nineteen-six(C)teen