ERIN’S FLAG 4/4 (Wolfhound)
Give (G)me the flag of (D)Ireland boys, let (G)Irish (C)breezes (G)blow
Around it blows fervent (C)eyes, de(D)fiance to the (D7)hold
Let (G)no one weep for true men (C)fought to (D)make their country (C)free
The flag that James (D)Connelly (D7)loved is (G)good e(C)nough for (G)me
Give (G)me the flag of (D)Munster boys, to (G)victory (C)lead us (G)on
From rebel Cork, of Kerry (C)boys, of (D)Claireman carry (D7)on
Tell (G)them in Tipperary (C)town, the (D)North will yet be (C)free
The flag that Munster (D)heroes (D7)loved is (G)good e(C)nough for (G)me
Give me the flag of (D)Connaught boys and (G)westward (C)let her (G)blow
Give me the flying columns (C)and Tom (D)Lumpert and the (D7)Gaul
God (G)be with ancient Galway (C)land, your (D)sons of victor(C)y
The flag that volunt(D)eers did (D7)love is (G)good e(C)nough for (G)me
Give me the flag of (D)Ulster boys- that's (G)Ireland's (C)flag als(G)o
We love them yet and we won't for(C)get Red (D)Hugh and Owen (D7)Roe
For (G)soon there breathes on Irish (C)soil the (D)soul of liber(C)ty
The flag
that Ireland's (D)martyrs (D7)loved is (G)good e(C)nough for (G)me
The flag
that Ireland's (D)martyrs (D7)loved is (G)good e(C)nough for (G)me