Daughter dear, daughter dear there's a waking in Kildare
So the lodger, the lodger is sure to be there
You know
he's tall and handsome and you know he's tall and straight
Keep your legs together coming home from the wake
Mother dearest mother what an awful thing to say
I'll keep away from Fagin until my wedding day
He can kiss
me and caress me he can love me for my sake
And I'll keep me legs together coming home from the wake.
Mary reached the waking house, twas young and gay she felt
Fagin sat down by the fire and he drank to the dead man's
O grag Mo Croibh t'was sad to see the poor man on the bed
A main auld creighter when alive he's a fine man now
he's dead.
At four o clock next morning they came down the old boreen
She kept admiring fagen the best she'd ever seen
proved too much for her, she let him have his way
As Fagin says the best friends get parted every day
Nine months had been and gone since Fagin rang the bell
The anxious weeks feel like months for feel of any swell
and foolish though they were of them I'll not retell
There was no cause to fret you see cause Mary took the pill