[D]If I were King of Ire[A]land
And had all things at[Bm] my will
I'd roam for recreation
More comfort to find[A]
But the com[Bm]fort I would seek the most
So that you may under[A]stand
Would be to win[Bm] the heart of MarA]tha
Flower of Sweet Stra[Bm]bane,,,[D]
Her cheeks they are as rubies
Her hair a dove-soft brown
And o'er her milk white shoulders
It carelessly
hangs down
She is the fairest creature
And the pride of all her clan
And my heart is captivated
By the flower
of Sweet Strabane
But since I cannot gain her love
No joy there is for me
And I must seek to hide my tears
In the lands across
the sea
Unless she cares to follow me
I swear by my right hand
McKenna's face you'll ne'er more see
My Flower
of Sweet Strabane.