Irish Songs Lyrics With Guitar Chords By Martin Dardis

General Munro Lyrics And Guitar Chords

Lyrics + Chords A-B
C - F
G - J
K - M
N - R
S - T
U - Z
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General Munro Guitar Chords And Lyrics The Wolfe Tones. A traditional rebel song from the 1798 rising. Alternative chords- some don't like playing the Bm chord so to stay in key place a capo on the second fret and instead of playing D, play C, and instead of playing A' play G' and for the Bm just play Am. This works for any song you find the dreaded Bm chord.
[D]My name is George Campbell; at the [A]age of eigh[D]teen
I [G]joined the [D]United Men to strive for the [Bm]green,
And [G]many a [D]battle I did under[Bm]go
With [D]that hero commander, brave [A]General Mun[D]ro.

Have you heard of the Battle of Ballinahinch
Where the people oppressed rose up in defence?
When Munro left the mountains his men took the field,
And they fought for twelve hours and never did yield.

Munro being tired and in want of a sleep,
Gave a woman ten guineas his secret to keep.
But when she got the money the devil tempted her so
That she sent for the soldiers and surrendered Munro.

The army they came and surrounded the place,
And they took him to Lisburn and lodged him in jail.
And his father and mother in passing that way
Heard the very last words that their dear son did say!

"Oh, I die for my country as I fought for her cause,
And I dont fear your soldiers nor yet heed your laws.
And let every true man who hates Ireland's foe
Fight bravely for freedom like Henry Munro."

And twas early one morning when the sun was still low,
They murdered our hero brave General Munro,
And high o'er the Courthouse stuck his head on a spear,
For to make the United men tremble and fear.

Then up came Munro's sister, she was all dressed in green,
With a sword by her side that was well-sharped and keen.
Giving three hearty cheers, away she did go
Saying, "Ill have revenge for my brother Munro."

All ye good men who listen, just think of the fate
Of the brave men who died in the year Ninety-Eight.
For poor old Ireland would be free long ago
If her sons were all rebels like Henry Munro.


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