Come (A)all ye dry land sail-i-ars
And listen (G)to my (A)song
It's only forty verses
And I (G)won't detain
you's (A)long
It's all about the adventures
Of (G)this old (D)Lisburn (A)tar
Who sailed as man before the mast
On the good ship (G)Cali(A)bar
Now the (A)Calibar was a spanking craft
Pitch bottomed (G)for and (A)aft
Her helm, it stuck out far behind
And her (G)wheel was a great big (A)shaft
With half a gale to fill her sail
She'd (G)do a (D)knot an (A)hour
the fastest craft on the Lagan Canal
And she's only (G)one horse (A)power
Now, the (A)captain was a strapping lad
And he stood just (G)four foot (A)two
His eyes was red and his nose
was green
And his (G)cheeks was a prussian (A)blue
He wore a leather medal
That he (G)won in the (D)Crimea (A)War
And the captain's wife was the passenger cook
On the good ship (G)Cali(A)bar
Now, the (A)captain say to me "Me lad
Look here, me (G)lad" says (A)he
"Would you's like to be a sail-i-ar
And (G)sail the raging (A)sea?
Would you's like to be a sail-i-ar
On (G)foreign (D)seas to (A)roll
For we're
under orders from Portadown
With a half a (G)ton of (A)coal"
It (A)was early next morning
The weather it (G)being su(A)blime
When passing under the old Queen's Bridge
We (G)heard the Albert's (A)chime
When going along the gaswork straits
A (G)very dange(D)rous (A)part
We ran
ahole on a lump of coal
That wasn't marked (G)down on the (A)chart
Then (A)all became cunfuse-i-en
And the stormy (G)winds did (A)blow
The bos'n slipped on an orange peel
(G)into the hold be(A)low
"Put on more speed" the captain cried
"For (G)we are (D)sorely (A)pressed"
But the engineer
from the bank replied
"The horse is (G)doing his (A)best"
Then we (A)all fell into the water
And we all let (G)out a (A)roar
There was a farmer standing there
he (G)threw us the end of his ga(A)lloses
And he (G)pulled us (D)all a(A)shore
No more I'll be a sail-i-ar
(G)sail the (D)raging (A)main
And the next time I go to Portadown
I'll go by the (G)bloody (A)train