(G)Cross the border
quite (C)legal(G)ly?,
Collected a common
market (D)subsi(G)dy, -G
Signed (Em)all
the forms, handed (C)back the pen.
(G)Smuggled the
sow back (C)home a(G)gain,
Ten (Em)times
a day I (C)worked this plan, -C
Me(G)self, and
the sow, and the (D)transit (G)van,
(G)Travel sickness
the (C)sow picked (G)up,
Says I, it's time
to di(D)versi(G)fy, -G
Took (G)all me
money from the (C)biscuit (G)tin,
Filled the van
to the roof with (D)whiskey and (G)gin, -G
A(Em)round the
South me (C)wares I'd sell,
In (G)public houses
(C)and ho(G)tels,
There was(Em)never
a guard nor a (C)customs man, -C
Put his (G)nose
inside the (D)transit (G)van,
At (G)festivals
and (C)fleadhs and (G)fairs,
If the craic was
good you'd (D)find me (G)there, -G
At (G)all big
matches (C)in Croke (G)Park,
And I danced with
Springstein (D)in the (G)dark, -G
I (Em)fought with
the tinkers in (C)Ballinasloe,
I (G)danced on
streets a(C)round Lis(G)towell,
(Em)Mothers had
their (C)daughters warned, -C
Stay (G)well away
from the (D)transit (G)van,
It (G)being Lent
and the (C)drink trade (G)slow
I took to carrying
(D)vide(G)o -G
While (G)on the
road to (C)Bally(G)bay
Found a customs
roadblock (D)in me (G)way -G
To (Em)face the
border I (C)got her turned,
The (G)engine
roared and the (C)tires (G)burned,
(Em)Five patrol
cars (C)fully-manned,-C
Were in (G)hot
pursuit of the (D)transit (G)van
(G)Through Clontbrit
(C)I did (G)go,
I was heading
for the (D)county Ma(G)yo, -G
(G)Round the corner
I (C)hit a (G)dog,
Went over the
ditch landed (D)in the (G)bog, -G
I (Em)sat on a
bank watched (C)all I owned,
Sinkin (G)in a
bog hole (C)like a (G)stone,
She was (Em)lying
on the roof with the (C)wheels still turning, -C
And the (G)stereo
playing (D)Daniel O'(G)Donnell.
(G)Now I'm back
where I (C)first be(G)gan,
No job, no money,
but (D)I've a (G)plan, -G
There's a (G)girl
down in (C)Mullin(G)gar,
She can hold me future
(D)in her (G)hand, -G
She doesn't look like a film star
but she's been telling me about her dad.
has no property or land
but he has two sows and a transit van.
The Queen of England drives a RollsRoyce car,
her son Charly has a Ja-gu-ar.
But when the Pope came to I-re-land
like meself -
he drove around in a transit van!