Irish Songs Lyrics With Guitar Chords By Martin Dardis

The Man With The Cap

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The Man With The Cap Lyrics And Guitar Chords Colum Sands, from the album ''The March Ditch'' , while reading through this song for the first time today I was sure I knew the man in the song, then again I met many a man along the road or in fields wearing a cap, shirt and tie, and I'd say you also did. Colum Sands has a unique way of throwing words together to form his songs. Ah, memories of bygone days. The guitar work is by Marc Fahrbach

They (C)say he was the strangest man you'd (F)ever want to (G)meet
He didn't like the towns at all and he (C)kept to the quiet streets
But (F)mostly he was in the fields, he (C)always wore a cap
The (G)same one for a Sunday as for (C)briardin' up a gap

And (F)no one has a (G)photo of this (C)man

(G)No one seemed to know his (C)plan
He was (F)lonely as a baby and as (C)gentle as a child
And it (G)seems he often spoke of Oscar (C)Wilde


I (C)mind we used to see him on the (F)quiet summer (G)nights
Standing by the roadside like a (C)rabbit in the lights
He'd (F)never wave, just nod his head, he (C)always wore a tie
Some (G)people said that he was odd, (C)others said just shy

And (F)no one has a (G)photo of this (C)man


It (C)seems he loved a girl one time but she (F)must have gone a(G)way
Perhaps he was too quiet or too (C)different in his ways
He (F)never bothered after that, got (C)careless with his looks
For(G)got to shave for seven years and (C)took to reading books

And (F)no one has a (G)photo of this (C)man


I (C)saw him in the cornfield (F)sowing with his (G)hand
He understood the weather and he (C)understood the land
He (F)always wore what once had been a (C)three-piece navy suit
The (G)same one for the sowing as for (C)standing of the stooks

And (F)no one has a (G)photo of this (C)man


They (C)say he'd stand for hours (F)gazing at the (G)hills
His bicycle beside him and (C)both of them were still
As (F)statues in the sunset, (C)no one knew his mind
But (G)when he died they said that he was (C)kind


We (C)laid him down this morning, the (F)rain was falling (G)fast
Those who thought they knew him were (C)with him to the last
The (F)priest was sprinkling prayers and holy (C)water in the rain
And we (G)said, We'll hardly ever see the (C)likes of him again

And (F)no one has a (G)photo of this (C)man

(G)No one seemed to know his (C)plan
He was (F)lonely as a baby and as (C)gentle as a child
And it (G)seems he often spoke of Oscar (C)Wilde

Colum Sands Lyrics And Guitar Chords


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