There (G)was a (D)man who (C)couldn't (G)sleep no (C)matter (D7)how he (G)tried,
He courted (D)sleep for (C)twenty (G)years but she (D7)wouldn't (D)be
his (G)bride,
The (D)doctors took his
temperature and (D7)some of his money, (G)too,
the chemist (D)said I've (C)got more (G)pills if (D7)these ones (D)do not (G)do.
And in (F)all this (C)time,
no (G)matter what you think, this (D7)man never (D)slept a (G)wink.
He (G)lived with his (D)suit in a (C)lonely (G)house with (C)friends he (D7)couldn't (G)make,
And because this (D)man could (C)never (G)sleep, he was (D7)never
(D)quite a(G)wake,
But to (D)while away
the daylight hours he'd (D7)climb into his (G)suit,
to his (D)office to (C)worry in (G)peace and (D7)frown in(D)to his (G)books.
Chorus sung
(G)every (D)night in (C)search of (G)sleep he'd (C)look at the (D7)mocking (G)bed,
Climb out of his (D)suit end (C)say a (G)prayer for the (D7)living (D)and the (G)dead,
The (D)suit would wait upon the chair (D7)watching him all (G)night,
Swallowing (D)pills, pre(C)tending to (G)yawn un(D7)til the (D)morning
Chorus sung
One (G)night he (D)lay and (C)thought to him(G)self,
(C)half of the (D7)world is (G)dead,
a(D)way and (C)equal (G)now with their (D7)clothes at the (D)side of the (G)bed.
(D)Bishops, kings and robbers would (D7)all now look the (G)same,
Until an(D)other (C)day would (G)say, it’s (D7)costume (D)time
Chorus instrumental
he (G)thought of the (D)suits at (C)work each (G)day as they (C)brought their (D7)owners (G)in,
And the confident (D)suits of (C)pale sales(G)men, (D7)covering (D)threadbare
The (D)stiff pressed suit of
a bank man turn a (D7)worn out jacket (G)down,
little (D)girl dressed (C)up as a (G)bride and the (D7)judge dressed (D)up as a (G)clown.
Chorus instrumental
the (G)man who (D)couldn't (C)sleep set (G)up, in his (C)eye there (D7)burned a (G)flame,
You lousy (D)stinking (C)suit he (G)yelled, you (D7)are the (D)one to (G)blame,
He (D)grabbed it by the arms and legs, it (D7)didn't have a (G)chance,
And when he'd (D)torn it (C)into (G)shreds his (D7)heart be(D)gan
to (G)dance.
Chorus instrumental 2x
he (G)ran in(D)to the (C)or(G)chard where the (C)scent of the (D7)blossoms (G)said,
Some people (D)think they (C)are a(G)live be(D7)cause they (D)are not (G)dead,
He (D)laughed up at the rising sun and his (D7)heart gave a sudden
And two days (D)later (C)he was (G)found – (a capella!) in the (D7)garden
(D)fast a(G)sleep.
Chorus instrumental 2x