Now I'll (C)sing you a (G7)song of a (C)day that is gone and a(G)nother that's
(G7)not far a(C)way,
For Europe is (G7)coming
and (C)borders are going, at (G)least that's what (G7)everyone (C)says.
Here's a (G)health to the (G7)hands that (C)reach out to share, and may (G)they grow (G7)stronger
each (C)day,
May the (C)hands that
reach out to (G)grab and exploit, (G7)weaken and wither a(C)way. (2x)
Bridge: G7-G-C-C G7-G-C-C (Repeat
after each verse)
Now it (C)wasn't the (G7)day, nor the (C)day before that, when (G)Europe
gave (G7)us a sur(C)prise,
A big Inter(G7)national
was (C)due to be played with the (G)Crown of ould (G7)England as (C)prize.
(G)Scotland and (G7)Holland were (C)into the final and no (G)tougher (G7)teams could be (C)found,
And (C)somebody said, in the (G)interests of peace, they should (G7)play
in a neutral (C)ground. (2x)
(C)Rome was su(G7)ggested but (C)that was contested for (G)reasons that (G7)I can't (C)explain,
But it seems every (G7)country was (C)awfully shy about (G)hosting
the (G7)crowd pulling (C)game.
"Til a (G)brainwaving
(G7)diplomat (C)stuck up his hand saying (G)I know a (G7)field that is (C)fine,
It's (C)lovely and flat and there's (G)room for a crowd and it (G7)lies on the banks of the (C)Boyne.
Well the (C)venue de(G7)cided
the (C)date it was set, (G)training was (G7)soon under(C)way,
As Europe pre(G7)pared for the (C)game of the year in the (G)more or less (G7)usual (C)way.
(G)Flags were brought (G7)out and ex(C)cursions arranged, a (G)charter
from (G7)France was the (C)plan.
the (C)Irish prepared to play (G)host to a game that would (G7)change every woman and (C)man. (2x)
When the (C)day of the (G7)final at (C)last come along, ex(G)citement
had (G7)risen so (C)much,
That over in (G7)Rome
they were (C)praying all day that (G)victory would (G7)go to the (C)Dutch.
Now it (G)seems that the (G7)Stuarts were (C)thin on the ground, spec(G)tators were (G7)soon out
of (C)hand,
The (C)Irish took sides and
the (G)battle it raged 'til it (G7)ravaged the half of the (C)land. (2x)
The (C)Dutch won the (G7)cup and both (C)teams disappeared, leaving (G)death and dest(G7)ruction
And so much ill (G7)feeling
that (C)three hundred years could (G)not put it (G7)out of our (C)minds.
Now (G)three hundred (G7)years is a (C)long time to learn but I (G)hope we can (G7)learn all the
That (C)most people lose when
their (G)country is used for (G7)dangerous military (C)games. (2x)
And (C)there is my (G7)song of a (C)day that is gone and a(G)nother that's
(G7)not far a(C)way,
For Europe is (G7)coming
and (C)borders are going, at (G)least that's what (G7)everyone (C)says.
Here's a (G)health to the (G7)hands that (C)reach out to share, and may (G)they grow (G7)stronger
each (C)day,
May the (C)hands that
reach out to (G)grab and exploit, weaken and (G7)wither a(C)way. (2x)
One final verse humming (slowly fading)