Oh (Em)please
ne'er for(Bm)get me though (G)waves now lie (D)o'er me
I was
(Em)once young and (Bm)pretty and my (F#m)spirit ran (Em)free
But destiny
(Bm)tore me from (G)country and (D)loved ones
And (Em)from
the new (Bm)land I was (F#m)never to (Em)see.
A poor
(G)emigrant's (D)daughter too (Em)frightened to (D)know
I was
(Em)leaving for(Bm)ever the (F#m)land of my (Em)soul
Amid (G)struggle
and (D)fear my (Em)parents did (D)pray
To place
(Em)courage to (Bm)leave o'er the (F#m)longing to (Em)stay.
They (Em)spoke
of a (Bm)new land far a(G)way 'cross the (D)sea
And of
(Em)peace and good (Bm)fortune for my (F#m)brothers and (Em)me
So we
parted from (Bm)townland with much (G)weeping and (D)pain
the (Em)loved ones and the (Bm)friends we would (F#m)ne'er see a(Em)gain.
The (G)vessel
was (Bm)crowded with (Em)disquieted (D)folk
The es(Em)cape
from past (Bm)hardship sus(F#m)taining their (Em)hope
But as
the (G)last glimpse of (D)Ireland faded (Em)into the (D)mist
Each (Em)one
fought back (Bm)tears and felt (F#m)strangely a(Em)lone.
The (Em)seas
roared in (Bm)anger, making (G)desperate our (D)plight
And a
(Em)fever came (Bm)o'er me that (F#m)worsened next (Em)night
Then delirium
po(Bm)ssessed me and (G)clouded my (D)mind
And (Em)I
for a (Bm)moment saw that (F#m)land left be(Em)hind.
I could
(G)hear in the (Bm)distance my (Em)dear mother's (D)wailing
And the
(Em)prayers of three (Bm)brothers that (F#m)I'd see no (Em)more
And I
(G)felt father's (D)tears as he (Em)begged for for(D)giveness
For (Em)seeking
a (Bm)new life on the (F#m)still distant (Em)shore.
Repeat 1st verse