THE AUCTIONEERS SONG (Seamus Moore) Guitar Chords
Seamus Moore played
this song in A major with the capo on 2nd fret
(G) There was a
man in his townland, he (D) was an auctio-(G)-neer.
He sold houses,
cattle, land to (C) people far and (G) near.
A bachelor for fifty
years, his (C) problems seemed de-(G)-termined.
He (C) even tried
the (G) lonely hearts club (D) in the farmer's (G) journal.
(G) Every Saturday
and night he (D) ran the cattle (G) market
and if you drove your car to town, there (C) was no room to (G) park it
Jeeps and tractors
everywhere the (C) smell of cattle (G) filled the air.
(C) Then you'd hear
the (G)auctioneer (D) echo round the (G) square.
(D) Who'll give
me three hundred quid, (C) whose gonna be the (G) first to bid,
(C) whose going
to buy this (G) fine young bitch, sitting in the ring to-(D)-day.
(G) Do I hear three-twenty-five,
(C) thirty, forty, (G) fifty-five -
(C) on the market (G) and for sale, it's (D) yours kind sir to-(G)-day
The (G) widow Murphy
down the road had (D) eighty lovely (G) acres
on her own for thirty
years but (C) never any (G) takers.
Says she: I'm going
to sell the land, if you (C) throw me in as (G) well.
Says (C) he: I'll
buy the (G) land myself, we'll (D) have a private (G) sale.
(D) I'll give you
three thousand quid, if (C) I'm the only (G) one to bid
I'll (C) buy the
land and (G) take your hand, if you'll agree to-(D)-day.
All(G)right says
she then I'll agree, if (C) I can take you (G) home with me.
(C) On the market
(G) and for sale, it's (D) yours kind sir to-(G)-day.
Instr. the last
two lines
(change of key in
Seamus Moore version: one half note / one guitar fret up)
(G) The auctioneer
and his ancient bride, lived (D) on the eighty (G) acres.
it wasn't long before
he had to (C) call the under-(G)-taker.
Four weeks after
she had gone the (C) land was up for (G) sale.
He called a public
auction, 'twas the (D) quickest way to-(G) -day.
(D) Who'll give
me a hundred grand, (C) who's gonna buy this (G) farm of land
the (C) finest eighty
(G) acres, that's ever been for (D) sale.
and the (G) Charolais
bull and fifteen cows, (C) do I hear one (G)-twenty now.
(C) On the market
(G) and for sale, it's (D) yours kind sir to-(G)-day
(C) on the market
(G) and for sale, it's (D) yours kind sir to-(G)-day.