[Chorus]Love[C] is teasing and[Em] love is[G7] pleasing
And love is a pleasure when[F] first it's[C] new
But as love grows older sure[Em] love grows[G] colder
And fades away like the[F] morning[C] dew
I left my father I left my mother
I left brothers and sisters too
I left all my friends and my own relations
I left them all for to follow you
And love and porter make a young man older
And love and whiskey make a young man grey
What cannot be cured love must be endured love
And now I am bound for America
The sweetest apple is soonest rotten
The hottest love is the soonest cold
What cannot be cured love must be endured love
And now I am bound for America
I wish I wish , I wish in vain
I wish that I was a maid again
But a maid again I can never be
'Till apples grow on an ivy tree