[Chorus]Oh[D] thunder and lightning[G] is no[A] lark
When Dublin City is[G] in the[A] dark
If you[D] have any[G] money go[D] up to the[A] park
And[D] view the zoo[A7]ligical[D] gardens
Last Sunday night we had no dough
So I took the mot up to see the zoo
We saw the lions and kangaroos
Inside the zoological gardens
We went up there by Castleknock
Said the mot to me sure we'll court by the lough
And I knew she was one of the rare old stock
Inside the zooligical gardens
Said the mot to me ''My dear friend Jack''
Would you like a ride on the elephant's back
If you dont get outta that I'll give ye such a smack
Inside the zooligical gardens
We went up there on our honeymoon
Says she to me if you dont come back
Sure I'll have to jump in with the hairy baboon
Inside the zooligical gardens