(A)Aderyn du a’i (E)blufyn (A)sidan,
A’i big (D)aur a’i (E)dafod (A)arian
(E)A ei di (A)dros
– (A7)ta’i i Gyd(D)weli,
(E)I holi (A)hynt yr (E)un ’rwy’n (A)garu.
(A)Un, dou, tri peth sy’n (E)anodd (A)i mi
Yw cyfri’r (D)sêr pan (E)fo hi’n (A)rhewi,
doti’n (A)llaw i (A7)dwtsh â’r (D)lleuad,
(E)A deall me(A)ddwl f’ann(E)wyl (A)gariag.
English Translation
Blackbird of Silken Wings
Blackbird of silken wings
And golden beak and silver tongue
Will you go form e to Cydweli
To ask how my love
One, two, three things are difficult form me;
Counting the stars when it’s freezing,
Placing my hand
so that I can touch the moon
And understanding the mind of my loved one.