Irish Songs Lyrics With Guitar Chords By Martin Dardis

The Rose Of Tralee Lyrics And Chords

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The Rose Of Tralee Lyrics And Chords W.P.Mc Mulchinock.This Irish folk song was written to Mary O'Conner , a servant girl of the author with who he fell in love was written around the 1850s. The singer here is John McCormack.

[C]The pale moon was[C7] ris[F]ing above the [C]green mountain,
The sun was declining [D7]beneath the [G7]blue sea;
[G7]When I [C]strayed with my [C7]love to [F]the pure cry[C]stal fountain,
That [F]stands in the[C] beauti[G]ful Vale of [C]Tralee.
She was [Am]lovely and fair as [E]the rose of the summer,
Yet [Am]'twas not her beauty alone that [G]won [G7]me;
[G7]Oh[C] no, 'twas the [C7]truth in [F]her eyes [C]ever dawning,
That [F]made me love [C]Mary, [G]the Rose of [C]Tralee.
The cool shades of evening their mantles were spreading
And Mary all smiling sat listening to me
The moon through the vally her pale rays were shining
When I won the heart of the rose of Tralee
Though lovely and fair as the rose of the summer
Yet 'twas not her beauty alone that I won
Oh no 'twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning
That made me love Mary the rose of Tralee

Key Of G Major
[G]The pale moon was[G7] ris[C]ing above the [G]green mountain,
The sun was declining [A7]beneath the [D7]blue sea;
[D7]When I [G]strayed with my [G7]love to [C]the pure cry[G]stal fountain,
That [C]stands in the[G] beauti[D]ful Vale of [G]Tralee.
She was [Em]lovely and fair as [B]the rose of the summer,
Yet [Em]'twas not her beauty alone that [D]won [D7]me;
[D7]Oh[G] no, 'twas the [G7]truth in [C]her eyes [G]ever dawning,
That [C]made me love [G]Mary, [D]the Rose of [G]Tralee.

Key Of D Major
[D]The pale moon was[D7] ris[G]ing above the [D]green mountain,
The sun was declining [E7]beneath the [A7]blue sea;
[A7]When I [D]strayed with my [D7]love to [G]the pure cry[D]stal fountain,
That [G]stands in the[D] beauti[A]ful Vale of [D]Tralee.
She was [Bm]lovely and fair as [F#]the rose of the summer,
Yet [Bm]'twas not her beauty alone that [A]won [A7]me;
[A7]Oh[D] no, 'twas the [D7]truth in [G]her eyes [D]ever dawning,
That [G]made me love [D]Mary, [A]the Rose of [D]Tralee.


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