[D)Saturday night & the bar-room is howlin' with (A)young weekend cowboys all (D)struttin' and prowlin' (D)Drinkin'
straight bourbon and tryin' not to shiver as it (A)burns down their throat and plays (D)hell with their liver On
a (D)small stage in the bar's farthest (A)corner sits Henry Holloway playin' his (D)guitar (D)Under the spotlight, sweat
on his face (G)glistenin'. (D)singin' his heart out and (A)nobody's (D)listenin'
(G)Fire in the belly, (D)fire
in the soul; (A)ambition's a fire that's (D)hard to control. (G)Burnin' with bright dreams of (D)money & fame, (A)young
Henry Holloway's (G)lost in the (D)flame.
Evylin sits by the stage, she's the only one clappin' with eyes brightly
shinin', feet in time tappin' Face full of love as she watches her man in his shirt of blue rhinestones she sewed on by
hand Sweet red lips movin' as she sings along joinin' with Henry in his every song Although she's heard them about one
million times Love is tone-deaf as well as stone blind
Now the noise in the bar's like a volcano explodin' but up on
the stage young Henry's is floatin' Eyes closed and driftin' through his favourite dream, he sings of places he's
never seen Like Nashville and Memphis, New York & L.A. You can bet even money he'll get there some day But
if he don't, he just might not care 'cause when he sings his songs, he's already there
Saturday night's turned into
Sunday mornin', the bar-room is empty, the bartender's yawnin' Home go the cowboys with their jeans and high boots;
come Monday they'll put on their ties and dark suits Back to the motel go Henry and Evylin she falls asleep with
her arms wrapped around him and dreams of motel rooms & cheap crowded bars Henry lies wide awake and dreams
of the stars