Fergal O'Hanlon Guitar Chords
Oh (G)hark to the tale of young (C)Fergal O'(D)h-Annluan
Who (G)died in Brook(Em)boro' to (G)make Ireland (D)free
his (G)heart he had (Bm)pledged to the (C)cause of his (D)country(D7)
And he (G)took to the (C)hills like a (D)bold rappa(G)ree
And he (D)feared not to walk to the (C)walls of the (G)barracks
A volley of (Em)death poured from (G)window to (D)door
for young (Bm)Fergal, his (C)life blood for (D)freedom(D7)
Oh (G)Brookboro' (C)pavements (D)profused to (G)pour
When the (G)smoke and the dim from the (C)battle was (D)over
And (G)Fergal was (Em)borne by his (G)comrades a(D)way
(G)asked them to (Bm)fly from that (C)place and take (D)cover(D7)
But he (G)died in the (C)hands of the (D)foe that (G)day
God (D)strike from your hands all your (C)hierlings and (G)traitors
The weapens that (Em)murdered our (G)brave volun(D)teer
(G)grant us our (Bm)freedom, the (C)dreams of O(D)'hAnnluain(D7)
And (G)lift from our (C)valleys all (D)sorrow and (G)fear