Who fears to speak of Easter Week That week of famed renown,
When the boys in green went out to fight The forces
of the Crown.
With Mausers bold and hearts of gold And the Countess dressed in green And high above the G.P.O.
The rebel flag was
Then came ten thousand khaki coats Our rebel boys to kill,
Before they reached O'Connell Street, Of fight they got
their fill.
They'd Maxim guns and cavalry And cannon in galore;
But it's not our fault that e'er a one Got back to England's shore.
They shot our leaders in a gaol
Without a trial, they say;
They murdered women and children too Who in their cellars
They dug their grave with gun and spade To hide them from our view
Because they could neither kill nor catch The Rebels
so bold and true.
May the Lord have mercy on three men Who faced the murderous foe,
There was Dickson, Sheehy-Skeffington And McIntyre
'Twas in a dismal barrack cell
They met their fate so cruel,
Yes, they were shot with no clergy got To prepare
them for their doom.