[D]Where have you been all day, Henry, my son Where have you been all day, [A]my beloved one A[D]way on the meadow,
away on the meadow, Make my bed, I've a[A] pain in my head And I[D] want to[A] lie[D] down. What, did you
have to eat, Henry,my son What did you have to eat, my beloved one Poison beans, poison beans, Make my bed, I've
a pain in my head And I want to lie down. What will you leave your mother, Henry, my son What will you
leave your mother, my beloved one A woven blanket, a woven blanket, Make my bed, I've a pain in my head And I want
to lie down. What will you leave your brother, Henry, my son What will you leave your brother, my beloved
one A blue suit, a blue suit, Make my bed, I've a pain in my head And I want to lie down. What will
you leave your father, Henry, my son What will you leave your father, my beloved one A watch and chain, a watch and
chain, Make my bed, I've a pain in my head And I want, to lie down. What will you leave your children,
Henry, my son What will you leave your children, my beloved one The keys to heaven, the keys to heaven, Make my bed,
I've a pain in my head And I want to lie down. What will you leave your sweetheart, Henry, my son What
will you leave your sweetheart, my beloved one A rope to hang her, a rope to hang her, Make my bed, I've a pain in my
head And I want to lie down.