They (D)tell me that lovin' will never be mine.
Go (A)on out o'
that, I got plenty o' time.
(D)Come from a long disting-u-ished line
Of (A)late starters in (A7)love.
Me (D)father
was sixty when he met me ma,
(A)Seventy-one when she fin'lly said "yah"
(D)Saturday night comin' home from a fleadh.
married the (A7)very next (D)mornin'.
I've (D)heard them say that (G)love is blind.
So (F#m)all o' me life I've been (D)lookin' behind,
goin' (D)out o' me mind,
(A)Searchin' for someone to (A7)love.
I (D)treats ‘er right when (G)I take ‘er
(F#m)Chicken an' chips and a (D)gallon o' stout.
(G)I know what courtin' is (D)really about,
And I (A)can't
under(A7)stand why I'm (D)single.
So, (D)all you ladies (G)there in distress
Give (F#m)Life-Line a call. They (D)have my address.
me a line and (D)I'll do the rest,
And (A)all your worries are (A7)over.
And (D)always remember an (G)acre of land
(F#m)better than havin' some (D)sod on yer hands,
(G)Fifteen kids, (D)none o' them planned
And (A)him su(A7)pportin'
a (D)brew'ry.
They're (D)over in Europe (G)changin' the laws.
(F#m)Maybe they'd like to (D)put in a clause
the world (D)we are no daws
Just be(A)cause we're near (A7)sixty.
‘Cause (D)lately, I notice a (G)lack of response
(F#m)me and the lads turn (D)up at a dance,
(G)Yelpin' an' shoutin' an' (D)stompin' the floor.
You'd (A)think they'd
be (A7)happy to (D)see us.