Me wife was in bad form by night and by day
In the morning to the bedroom I brought her some tea
I what is wrong is it something I'm doing
Says she no me melodion is gone out of tune.
me wifes old melodion was gone out of tune
She sent for Pat Fagin who came around soon
He played diddly id do ro,,
how Pat Fagin stole my wife away.
It was Monday morning when Fagin came 'round
I was
off working trying to make a few pound
He was at her melodion all throughout the day
He fixed up her melodion and would
take no pay.
Oh me wifes old melodion was gone out of tune
She sent for Pat
Fagin who came around soon
He played diddly id do ro,,
That's how Pat Fagin stole my wife away.
I worked overtime I was home very late
Fagin's old bike was still outside the gate
There was wine on the table
and logs on the fire
And me wife she was wearing a skimpy atire.
Oh me wifes old melodion
was gone out of tune
She sent for Pat Fagin who came around soon
He played diddly id do ro,,
That's how Pat Fagin
stole my wife away.
The same thing was happening day in and day out
Says I to me wife
now what's this all about
She says me melodion now he likes to play
And that's why Pat Fagin called 'round every day.
Oh me wife's old melodion was gone out of tune
She sent for Pat Fagin who came around soon
He played diddly
i'd do ro,,
That's how Pat Fagin stole my wife away.
Oh many a tune he played on her melodion
And that's how Pat
Fagin stole my wife away.