1 Foreign Countries came to rob our Land, And stole what they could find, They plundered & robbed all our
Children, And left them starved behind. The landlords came from afar as well, This Land for to divide, Filled
their pockets with the takings Burned down the houses on the side. 2 The Famine came in the dark of night. Destroyed
all the crops within the Fields, Left the Families to die of hunger, There was nothing else but weeds. 3 The coffin
ships they took the rest, To many a far off land, But many died of foreign diseases, On the way to the promised land. 4 Now
that was ancient history So we are told, But our Island is still divided, They will never let it go. 5 Now
in this new European World, Ireland is in there as well, When the crowd in Brussels wave their hand, Ireland
pay back heavy, duty's as well. 6 The Foreign Banks have an eye on us, And all that we might own, If
you don't pay up your dues in time, They take all of it for their own. Nothing has changed on that score, Like all
the crooks of long ago, The Bandits are all back again, But in a smart new suit of clothes. 7 Those
days our Young Folk are leaving this Island now in droves, Like the Wild Geese years before them, For Canada &
God only knows, The way things are looking now, We’ll never see them again. and we can only pray & hope They
will get on allright So far away from their home. 8 So all you Irish People, Where ever you may be, Go back
to your Irish homeland, All together & united now I mean, Get rid of all those Bandits, Throw them all in to
the Sea, And make our Ireland a free land. Where all of our People, Can live,In Peace & Harmony. Patrick Burke.