D-D-G-D Bm-(Em-A)-D-D
Good (D)people
all both (G)old and (D)young, my (Bm)age is (Em)twen(A)ty-(D)three,
My (G)parents turned
me (D)from their door un(Bm)to Am(Em)eri(G)cay;
All (G)from that
verdant (D)Ireland where (Bm)my first (Em)breath I (G)drew,
They (D)forced me to
(G)Ameri(D)cay my (Bm)fortune (Em)to (A)pur(D)sue.
The (D)reason
why they trans(G)ported (D)me I in(Bm)tend to (Em)let (A)you (D)hear,
'Twas be(G)cause I
would not (D)break my vow from the (Bm)girl I (Em)love so (G)dear;
'Twas be(G)cause I
would not (D)break my vow from the (Bm)girl I (Em)love so (G)dear,
That (D)girl I love
so (G)tenderl(D)y, my (Bm)charming (Em)Sal(A)ly (D)Greer.
'Twas on
(D)board the Rose of (G)Aber(D)deen from (Bm)Belfast (Em)we (A)bore (D)down,
With (G)eighteen
emi(D)grants on board, 'twas to (Bm)Quebec (Em)we were (G)bound;
We were (G)long time
on the (D)ocean but no (Bm)danger (Em)did I (G)fear,
For my (D)heart was
with the (G)girl I (D)left, my (Bm)charming (Em)Sal(A)ly (D)Greer;
When the
(D)seas are all in (G)motion (D)they keep (Bm)rolling (Em)to (A)and (D)fro,
Our (G)vessel struck
a(D)gainst a rock and in (Bm)pieces (Em)she did (G)go;
And 'twas (G)out of
eighteen (D)emigrants only (Bm)fourteen (Em)reached the (G)shore,
And the (D)other four
souls to the (G)bottom (D)went and they (Bm)never were (Em)seen (A)no (D)more.
Then (D)'twas
on the island (G)of St. (D)Paul's for (Bm)twelve days (Em)we (A)did (D)lie,
Our (G)bedding was
the (D)cold, cold ground, our (Bm)covering (Em)was the (G)sky;
And our (G)clothes
and money we (D)had with us were (Bm)lost on (Em)board the (G)wreck,
We (D)were a sight
for (G)to be(D)hold when we (Bm)landed (Em)in (A)Que(D)bec.
So (D)now I'm
safe in (G)Quebec (D)town, got (Bm)friends and (Em)mon(A)ey (D)there,
But (G)still I long
for the (D)land I love and the (Bm)girl who (Em)is so (G)fair;
I'm in (G)hopes to be
back in (D)old Ireland be(Bm)fore the (Em)end of the (G)year,
Then (D)I will roll
(G)in the (D)arms of my (Bm)charming (Em)Sal(A)ly (D)Greer.