Intro: D-D-G-G A-G-D-D
The (D)news has spread through (G)Ireland
And (A)spread from (G)shore to (D)shore,
Of (G)such a (D)deed no (F#m)living
Has (D)ever (Bm)heard be(G)fore.
From (G)out a (D)guarded (F#m)carriage (Bm)mid
A (D)panic (Bm)stricken
Sean (D)Hogan he was (G)rescued
At the (A)station (G)of Knock(D)long.
When a (D)guard of four po(G)licemen
Had their (A)prisoner (G)minded (D)well,
As the (G)fatal (D)train sped
(F#m)oer the (Bm)rails
Con(D)veying him (Bm)to his (G)cell.
The (G)prisoner (D)then could (F#m)scarce fore(Bm)tell,
(D)hearts both (Bm)brave and (G)strong.
That were (D)planning for his (G)rescue
At the (A)station (G)of Knock(D)long.
The (D)shades of eve were (G)falling fast
When the (A)train at (G)last drew (D)in.
It was (G)halted (D)for
an (F#m)hour or (Bm)so
By a (D)few cou(Bm)rageous (G)men.
They (G)sprang in(D)to the (F#m)carriage (Bm)and
It (D)did
not (Bm)take them (G)long.
Hands (D)up or die, was the (G)rebel cry
At the (A)station (G)of Knock(D)long.
Now King (D)George’s pampered (G)hirelings
They (A)shrivelled (G)up with (D)fear,
And (G)thought of (D)how
they (F#m)placed in (Bm)cells
Full (D)many a (Bm)Volun(G)teer.
Now, (G)face to (D)face with (F#m)armed (Bm)men
es(D)cape how (Bm)they did (G)long.
But (D)two of them met with (G)traitors’ deaths
At the (A)station (G)of Knock(D)long.
From (D)Sologhead to (G)Limerick
Such (A)deeds as (G)these were (D)seen,
And (G)devil a (D)tear was (F#m)ever
For (D)Wallace (Bm)of Ros(G)keen.
They (G)did old (D)Englands (F#m)dirty (Bm)work
And (D)did that (Bm)work
too (G)long.
But the (D)renegades were (G)numbered up
At the (A)station (G)of Knock(D)long.
Now, (D)rise up Mother (G)Erin
And (A)always (G)be of (D)cheer.
You’ll (G)never (D)die while (F#m)at
your (Bm)side
There (D)stand such (Bm)Volun(G)teers.
From (G)Dingle (D)Bay to (F#m)Garryo(Bm)wen
The (D)cheers will
(Bm)echo (G)long.
Of the (D)rescue of Sean (G)Hogan
At the (A)station (G)of Knock(D)long.